Copenhagen. The authors would especially like to thank Mr. Hâkan Olsson of
the Swedish Faculty of Forestry and Swedish Space Corporation for his
review of this paper and helpful comments.
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imagery. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Subject Group 4.02.05 Meeting on
"Satellite Imageries for Forest Inventory and Monitoring: Experiences,
Methods, Perspectives" in Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29. - Sept. 2, 1988.
Published as Research Note No. 21, University of Helsinki, Department of
Forest Mensuration and Management, Helsinki, pp. 119 - 133. ISBN 951-45-
Jaakkola, S. 1987. SNS-project in forestry remote sensing: The Swedish
experiments. In: Proceedings of the seminars on "Remote Sensing-Aided
Forest Inventory" organized by SNS and the Forest Mensurationist Club,
Hyytiala, Finland. Published as Reseach Note No. 19 by the University of
Helsinki, Department of Forest Mensuration and Management. pp. 32-44.
ISBN 951-45-4207-X.
Jaakkola, S., S. Poso, and G. Skrdmo. 1988. Satellite remote sensing for forest
inventory - experiences in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian Journal of
Forest Research Vol. 3, pp. 545-567.
Jaakkola, S. and O. Hagner. 1988. Multi-sensor remote sensing for forest
monitoring. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Subject Group 4.02.05 Meeting on
"Satellite Imageries for Forest Inventory and Monitoring: Experiences,
Methods, Perspectives" in Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29. - Sept. 2, 1988.
Published as Research Note No. 21, University of Helsinki, Department of
Forest Mensuration and Management, Helsinki, pp. 146 - 155. ISBN 951-45-