Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Landsat MSS 26.6. 1976 
Test Site Erzgebirge 
Fig.(l): spectral reflectance value cf 
different damage training areas (spruce 
stands) and deciduous stand. 
Landsat-TM 30.9. 1985 
Fig.(2): spectral reflectance value of 
different damage training areas (spruce 
Photo 2: Photograph of severe damage/dead 
spruce stand in test site at Erzgebirge 
region, taken on June 3.1989. 
Photo 1 : Showing results of supervised 
classification of landsat-TM from June 
27.1986 and the forest map of test site 
at St.Blasien in Black Fores t/FRG; TM 
data are geometrically corrected on 
forest map. TM-bands used for the classi 
fication TM2, TM3, TM4 and TM5. Identifi 
cation key: green= healthy/slightly da 
mage conifer; dark blue- medium damage 
conifer; red= severly damage conifer; 
orange= deciduous; white- meadow and none 
forest area; blue= water

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