Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

It was impossible to use the results that 
were obtained from Landsat-MSS 1972 and 
set them off against 1985 because the 
image of 1972 was coverd in some places 
by clouds. 
On the basis of the results achived by 
the evaluation of landsat imagery, it 
was possible to come to a decision as a 
regard that the use of landsat imagery 
for the monitoring and survey of the 
forest decline is possible. It can be 
concluded that it was possible, for 
exampel , to identify and quantify forest 
decline for three damage levels in the 
test site St. Blasien/Schluchsee FRG (D 
0-1; D2,D3, healthy/slightly damaged, 
damaged, severely damaged stands) on the 
TM data images. Furthermore it was even 
possible to quantify the damage develop 
ment through a one year period. This has 
been confirmed with the field assessment 
that has been done by the forest services 
of this test site at St.Blasien . 
A practical method for damage assessment, 
mapping and monitoring for such a large 
forest area as the test site at Erzge 
birge, can not be done rapidly without 
the use of Landsat data . It was possible 
to distinguish between the determined 
damage levels for the actual forest 
situation on Landsat images. With the 
involvement of old landsat images in the 
evaluation one can estimate the change in 
the forest area (clear cut area and in- 
creasement of non forest zone) as well as 
the change in the forest current situa 
tion regarding, damage levels in the test 
site at the Erzgebirge region. 
5 References 
Acid Magazine 1939: Acid Magazine N0.8 
1989, ISBN 0282-0195 Sweeden,32 pages. 
AFZ 1984: Diagnosis and classification of 
new types of damage affecting forests. 
Allgemeine Forestzeitschrift, special 
edition EEC, München,Brüssel,20 pages. 
Butzke, H. 1981: Versauern unsere Wälder? 
Erste Ergebnisse der Überprüfung 20 Jahre 
alter pH-Wert-Messungen in Waldboden 
Nordrhein-Westfalen.Forst- und Holzwirt. 
Hildebrandt,G., Kadro,A. 1984: Aspects of 
Countrywide inventory and monitoring of 
actual forest damages in Germany; Bild- 
messung und Luftbildwesen 52 (1984) Heft 
3 a. 
Kadro,A. 1984: Investigation of spectral 
signatures of differently damaged trees 
and forest stands using Airborne mul- 
tispectral data, proceedings of IGARSS'84 
Symposium, Strasburg 27-30 August 1984; 
Ref. ESA SP-215 (published by ESA Scien 
tific and Technical publications Branch 
in August 1984) . 
Kadro,A. 1986: Determination of spectral 
signatures of different forest damages 
from varying altitudes of multispectral 
scanner data, symposium on remote sensing 
for resources development and environmen 
tal management ISPRS COM. VII/Enschede 
25-29 Aug.1986. 
Kadro,A. f Kuntz,S. 1936: Experinces in 
application of multispectral scanner data 
for forest damage inventory, symposium on 
remote sensing for resources development 
and environmental management ISPRS COM. 
VII/Enschede 25-29 Aug.1986. 
Kadro,A. 1989: Use of Landsat-TM data for 
forest damage inventory, proceeding of 
workshop on "Earthnet pilot project on 
landset Thematic Mapper applications" 
held at Frascati, Italy in December 1987 
(ESA SP-1102 92-9092-000-9-May 1989) . 
Nießlein E., Voss G.1985: Was wir über 
das Waldsterben wissen, Köln Deutscher 
Instituts-Verlag,1935,258 pages. 
The author thanks Dr. R. Winter in German 
Aerospace Establishment (DLR) for 
providing the landsat images also the 
team of the Dept, of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, University of Freiburg, 
for support and developing special 

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