Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

SMI 2 Stereo Measure Interpretation 
SMI 2 mounted at the EC 04 
SMI 2 - magnified partial view 
Stereo Measure Interpretation 
SMI 2 
The third device/system in the new series of stereoscopes to be 
discussed is the stereo measure interpretation system SMI 2 by 
Kern & Co. In order to do this, however, first of all we briefly 
want to point out the connection to the interpretation system 
EC 04. 
With this system Kern has developed and designed a technical 
ly sophisticated image evaluation stereoscope and the appro 
priate image evaluation system which is based on a concept 
carefully worked out by experts and is a revolutionary novelty 
not to be found anywhere else on the market. 
In order to use the SMI 2 optimally - of course, it can be used with 
every light table when it is prepared accordingly - the EC 04 
interpretation system also offered by Kern is actually best suited 
for a quick and versatile image evaluation. 
For the first time a quick and exact image evaluation and inter 
pretation of film negative material can be performed without 
having to cut the film i.e. to cut it into individual images. Another 
novelty is that three films can be put on the light table at the same 
time i.e. one relevant film strip and two reference film strips. 
Thus you can compare the differences arising between the 
different phases with the current condition of the object imme 
diately without the amount of work required up to now. 
For the first time in the history of photogrammetrical interpreta 
tion equipment this system also offers the possibility to perform 
spatial image measurements on the uncut film over a number of 
The SMI 2 is exclusively the optical system of an image evalua 
tion system - in our case the EC 04. It enables the universal mono 
and stereoscopic image evaluation of variable image carriers. 
The observation optics is equipped with standardized elements 
for independent zooming, image rotation, and image reversion. 
It permits binocular mono observation of the left or the right

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