Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Anamorphic lenses - Drawing 
photo. Furthermore, a connection to the television camera is 
integrated in the left, fixed beam path. In special cases and if the 
customer so wishes the SMI 2 can also be equipped with anamor 
phic lenses or be supplemented by them. When using such lenses 
you can manipulate i.e. alter converging verticals in X- or Y- 
By means of this interpretation aid you can e.g. shrink or stretch 
buildings resulting in approximation of a vertical or an inclined 
photo. Thus desired distortions or restitutions are achieved. 
The following are the optical data of the stereo sensor SMI 2: 
Object field diameter 
Exit pupil diameter 
Exit pupil distance 
Eye distance 
Image rotation 
Squint defect correction 
Measuring marks 
Front distance 
2.5 x up to 20 x 
max. 60 mm / min. 10 mm 
min. 1.7 mm 
min. 16 mm 
55 to 75 mm 
Binocular; individual 
object left or right, 
+/- 5 diopters 
150 Lp/mm at Vmax. 
(at photo edge > 
= 100 Lp/mm) 
larger than 1% 
0.02 mm to 0.2 mm 
measured in lens level 
142 mm, 
focusing +/- 1 mm 
As already shown in figure 13 the construction of this equipment 
is also very compact. Therefore, it is obvious that this compact 
ness and the above mentioned facts require a relatively compli 
cated optics consisting of 31 lenses and 18 reflections. A multi 
coating has been carried out where it is technically useful for the 

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