Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Image of a terrain to be evaluated on the 
The photo reflection to the television camera is an important 
component of the SMI 2 since by means of this camera the left 
object photo can be directly displayed on a screen which is 
located at/on the evaluation system. 
A mark on the camera casing ensures that the television image 
appears in the right position to the ocular provided that the 
camera is mounted correctly. 
The SMI 2 can be moved in X- or Y-direction by means of a slide 
when it is mounted at the EC 04 or another suited light table. The 
slide is driven electromechanically. It can be operated via a 
control ball at the control board of the light table. Thus you can 
move with the SMI 2 all over the light area both in X- and Y- 
direction while adhering to all ergonomic precautions and you 
have the whole photo material available for measuring and 
interpretation purposes at your disposal. 
With the stereo sensor SMI 2 and the peripheral equipment to be 
provided from case to case as well as the evaluation system EC 
04 the image interpretation will be able to solve different kinds 
of problems within a short period, exactly, and soundly. 
The target coordinates and the object coordinates can be deter 
mined over a number of photos. The image reproduction can be 
changed in such a way that optimal evaluation results can be 
achieved even from photos taken under the most extreme condi 
tions. The image can be magnified in such a way that even the 
smallest detail is visible for the evaluator. Image section determi 
nation, focusing, and alteration of grey-level distortion as well as 
positive-negative switching, gamma correction, black-level 
control, brightness adjustment, detail intensification, image 
rotation, and accurate point marking are all contributing factors. 
SMI 2 with EC 04 in a convenient shelter 
With the stereo sensor SMI 2 Kern & Co. AG has developed a 
system in the field of stereoscopic equipment that will make the 
evaluator's heart beat faster after he has taken a first glance into 
the optics.

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