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Fig. 1. EOSDIS includes facilities for mission planning, command and control
of EOS instruments and platforms, communications between elements,
and for processing, archiving, and distributing EOS data.
handle the processing, archiving, and distribu
tion of data from the NASA payloads for the du
ration of the EOS mission. The DAACs include
the IDPGFs and Data Archive and Distribution
Systems (DADS). After the EOS mission, provi
sions will be made for these archives to become
"permanent" archives. Alternatively the data
may be transferred to permanent archives of
other agencies (such as NOAA/NESDIS and the
DOI/U.S. Geological Survey) under cooperative
management and archiving agreements. Transition
plans will be developed to ensure that data in
the active and permanent archives are managed in
similar fashion and that the main effect of
transition is in improved long-term coordination
of archive management and funding between agen
cies . Memoranda of Understanding between NASA
and the USGS and NOAA, respectively, are already
in place to facilitate this coordination.
Exchange of commands, algorithms, and data with
ESA, Japan, Canada, and other non-NASA entities
involved in the EOS mission will take place
through EOSDIS. Through its Information
Management Sytem (IMS) EOSDIS will provide in
formation to users on the location and content
of EOS and non-EOS Earth science data sets and
will make provisions for ordering and acquiring
EOS data from instruments that must be scheduled
in advance and for acquisition and processing of
standard data sets for the user community.
Several existing NASA institutional facilities
will provide support to EOSDIS. These facili
ties include the Space Network (SN), the NASA
Communications Network (NASCOM), the Program
Support Communications Network (PSCN), and the
Customer Data and Operations System (CDOS). The
Space Network consists of the Network Control
Center (NCC) at the Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC) and the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
System (TDRSS), which includes the Tracking and
Data Relay Satellites (TDRSs), the White Sands
Ground Terminal (WSGT), and the Second TDRS
Ground Terminal (STGT) also located at White
Sands, New Mexico. These ground terminals will
support all types of TDRS service for multiple
spacecraft, including EOS, and will have enough
redundancy to meet all data timeliness require
ments. For science data transmission from the
platforms to ground EOS has been allocated one
equivalent 24-hr 300 Mbps Ku-band channel. A 50
Kbps S-band link will be available for downlink
of real-time telemetry and for uploads of com
mands from the ground to the platforms.