Frederick B. Henderson III, Ph.D,
The Geosat Committee, Inc.
601 Elm St. 438C
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
(405) 325-3329
ISPRS, Victoria B.C.
September 1990
Man's growing population needs
for resources and their impact on
the environment and Global Change
will be major international issues
for the 1990's. Proposed advanced
Polar Orbiting Platforms such as
NASA, Earth Observing System (EOS)
and similar systems of ESA and
Japan coupled with other
international systems will conduct
extensive satellite earth
observations for resource
development and global change
studies for better environ- mental
management. These programs will
produce tremendous volumes of
electro-optical, microwave and
radar data creating a massive
digital database for basic
scientific and applied research for
geology, agriculture, oceanography,
meteo- rology, and environmental
sciences. Database management and
internal data access are major
issues under current review by ESA,
NASA,, NASDA and others. U.S.
government research is being
coordinated by the new interagency
Committee on Earth Sciences (CES).
Resource industries who contribute
to man's environ- mental impact
have a major stake in the CES
research plan. The international
industrial based Geosat Committee
is working with the CES to
establish industry govern- ment-
academia linkages with industry
participation in these broad
international environmental studies
from space.
During the last decade,
satellite earth observations
coupled with many other global
geophysical observa- tions have
raised serious concern about man's
growing impact on the earth's
environment. While this concern is
not historically new, modern
satellite technology is opening new
ways of observing and measuring the
earth's environment on an ongoing
global basis. What is critically
important for this new technology
is to assure that it is used wisely
to understand natural and man-made
environmental changes. Global
population growth and demands for
improved living standards place
great pressures on more resource
development and consequent environ
mental fallout. Therefore, it is
vital that the knowledge derived
from earth observations and global
change studies be prudently applied
in international decisions as to
which of man's impacts can be
corrected and which must be
accepted as the price of mankind's
continued existence.
During the next two decades,
satellite earth observations
systems will be deployed by several
nations and used to study, monitor,
and deal with many international
environ- mental issues. Chief
among these is studying and
understanding changes in the
earth's environment from a global
perspective as a basis to
understand and influence, where
prudent, man's impact on the