Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

representatives of the CES, the 
Geosat Committee and the Office of 
Science and Technology Policy 
(OSTP) to discuss possible 
government-industry linkages for 
cooperative R&D. A solution 
currently under review is to create 
such an industry-government linkage 
for cooperative R&D under the 
auspices of the newly formed 
President's Council of Advisors on 
Science and Technology (PCAST). 
PCAST is chaired by the Director of 
OSTP with the charter to report to 
the President and advise him on 
science and technology issues. 
Members of PCAST are from industry 
and academia. The CES-Geosat 
initiative seeks the creation of an 
industry-academia advisory body 
under PCAST to guide the 
establishment of linkages between 
industry, government and academia 
for credible cooperative research 
in earth observations, global 
change studies and environmental 
In support of the CES - Geosat 
meetings and initiative above, the 
Geosat Committee provided a brief 
critique of the 1990 GCRP as 
requested by the CES. As a follow 
up to this critique, the Geosat 
Committee is planning a resource 
industry workshop with the CES and 
other interested participants in 
the first quarter of 1991. The 
purpose of this workshop will be to 
review the 1991 GCRP, discuss 
current global change and 
environmental management issues of 
priority to the resource 
industries, and inventory areas of 
current and planned R&D that could 
be supported by industry and 
coordinated with interagency 
research under the 1991 GCRP. 
Recommendations for industry 
research initiatives will be made. 
Benefits of Industry Participation 
If means can be found to 
establish credible cooperative 
global change R&D between industry 
and government, then both industry 
and government programs will 
benefit in the U.S. as well as 
The resource industry, which 
includes the energy, minerals, 
timber, agriculture, fishing and 
related industries, will benefit 
1. Credibly participating in a 
better definition of the nature and 
causes of global warming, the 
greenhouse effect, acid rain, and 
similar highly visible public 
2. Demonstrating its willingness to 
participate in and support 
activities which provide better 
under- standing of perceived 
negative environmental impact of 
the resource industry's activities. 
3. Helping to create a better 
informed public which can better 
support resource policies and 
4. Having the opportunity to join 
with a highly unique and successful 
program involving interagency 
participation, external 
coordination with other government 
groups and academic institutions to 
achieve a greater degree of 
credibility for the resource 
industries who provide jobs and 
resource products to the public at 
The CES Global Change Research 
Plan and the agencies of the CES 
and others participating U.S. and 
international government and 
scientific organizations will 
benefit _by:

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