Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Group on International Satellites. With the support of all of ISPRS, Commission VII could 
initiate the formation of an International Consultative Expert Group on Remote Sensing 
Data Policy. The principal task of the Group would be to design a draft data policy for 
consideration by the Economic Summit Nations. Members of this Consultative Group and 
their advisors should be at sufficiently high level so that the draft policy would receive 
serious consideration by the States concerned. We call upon Commission VII to report back 
to ISPRS at their 17th Congress in Washington in the International Space Year, 1992, to 
provide a summary of actions taken, and a status report to Members. 
Aronoff, S. (1985), Political Implications of Full Cost Recovery for Land Remote Sensing 
Systems, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp 41-45. 
Analytic Sciences Corporation (1988), A Study of an Advanced Civil Earth Remote Sensing 
System, NOAA Contract No. 50MANE84002, Final Report, 12 August. 
Choudhury, B. J., and C. J. Tucker (1987), Monitoring Global Vegetation using NIMBUS-7 
37 GHz Data: some Empirical Relations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 8, 
pp 1085-1090. 
DTI Telecom-Econosult (1987), RADARSAT Economic Review and Assessment Update, 
Contract report to the Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, March. 
Duchossois, G. (1989), ERS-1 Draft Data Policy, brief to ERS-1 Coordinating Investigators, 
ESTEC, The Netherlands, 23-25 October. 
European Space Agency (1989), ERS-1, A New Tool for Global Environmental Monitoring 
in the 1990’s, ESA Report BR-36, ESA, Paris, November. 
Food and Agricultural Organization (1988) in cooperation with the World Resources 
Institute, The World Bank, and the United Nations Development Program, The Tropical 
Forestry Action Plan, FAO, Rome. 
GRID News (1988), Volume 1, Number 4, Nairobi, Kenya. 
Hazlewood, P. (1989), Interview in Washington, D.C., 8 August. 
Justice, C. (1986), Editorial, Special Issue on Monitoring the Grasslands of Semi-arid Africa 
using NOAA AVHRR Data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 7, No. 11, 
November, pages 1385-1390.

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