Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Scott Morehouse 
Jack Dangermond 
Environmental Systems Research Institute 
380 New York Street 
Redlands, CA 92373 USA 
In many organizations, particularly local governments, there appears to be interest not only in GIS but also the 
linkages between GIS and seven closely associated geographic data technologies: 
- Document Scanning System (raster-based imaging system) 
- Image Processing System 
- Vector GIS 
- Raster-based GIS 
- Tabular DBMS 
- Computer-Aided Drafting and Design System (CADD) 
- Video Media System 
- Surface Modelling System 
Solutions for integrating these technologies will be one of the next major steps in GIS application evolution. 
This paper discusses a conceptual framework for the integration of these technologies and its implementation 
in the context of the ARC/INFO system.

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