4 Conclusions
In this paper we stated that due to the availability of generic road models, the extrac
tion of roads from satellite images becomes less shallow. We have tested our hypothesis
by three case studies based on a combination of image data, GIS data, computer vision
paradigms and optimization techniques. This resulted in semi-automatic systems for road
delineation under guidance of GIS related knowledge applicable for certain types of terrain
and landcover. One of the big problems is the validation of the results. Other generic road
network models and other knowledge sources need to be exploited. The error prone nature
of GIS data (and DTM in particular) has to be carefully investigated in this process.
The SPOT data under a SPOT-IMAGE(R) license and the Landsat TM data are acquired
in collaboration with EUROSENSE BELFOTOP N.V., Belgium. Many thanks are due to
C. Steenmans and M. Martens for providing us with their expertise and the GIS data. The
hydrography related work has been largely implemented by D. Claus and T. Creemers.
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