In the NIR strong influence of
biomass or number of branches piled
up of the same species on reflectance
was confirmed. Saturation was reached
for 5-7 branches. The measurement
results of tree components of damaged
beech and spruce trees emphasize the
importance of the IR-region for
damage classification. The spectral
reflectance of beech branches
decreases with increasing damage
level. The reflectance curves of
spruce branches show also in the IR a
more consistent course. In the NIR
the plateau level reduces with
increasing degree of damage,
yellowing is of minor importance. For
wavelengths greater than 1,4 pm the
curves for spruce branches raise with
increasing degree of damage. This may
be explained by augmented water
stress, because also at the NIR-
plateau attenuation in the water
absorption bands reduces with
increasing damage level.
The spectral behaviour of the
reflectance curves for beech and
spruce in the visible region is
largely influenced by discolouration,
which seems not necessarely to be an
indicator of damage. As already
mentioned by Kenneweg, 1989, recent
experience with damage interpretation
indicates the important role of
structural elements of tree crowns
rather than colour.
The interpretation of the curves in
figure 6 and 8 for the visible as
source of information on damage is
difficult and may be misleading. For
data evaluation additional statements
on discolouration and its regional
variation in respect to the degree of
damage should be available.
Caused by discolouration a red shift
of the reflexion peak in the visible
of about 10 nm and a variation of
shape at the beginning of the slope
to the NIR plateau was observed.
These phenomena have to be further
investigated, also with respect to
their detection by future spectral
high resolution instruments and their
application in classification of
forest species and forest decline.
The results proved the influence of
primary effects of damaged trees by
measurement of tree components of
beech and spruce. Secondary effects
are mainly produced by crown struc
ture change, increase of shadow areas
and radiation from the background.
Background radiation will be in
fluenced by the degree of damage
resulting in morphological and
structural changes of the tree and
its components. Higher amounts of sun
and sky radiation will then penetrate
to the undercover or the ground and
will be reflected. It adds to the
reflectance signal of the tree. As a
consequence spectral reflectance of
developing background or undercover
vegetation may become an important
factor for higher degrees of damage,
as reported by Koch, 1987, and
Herrmann, 1988, for beech undercover
of severely damaged pines.
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