V.fc. fiis.i tsyn, K. V. Obrosov, N « IT. Pa ne army, V. A. Stephanov
The Research Institute of Automatic Systems, USSR, ISPRS Commission VIT
The paper deals wxth Doppler optica] images (DOI) segmentation technique based on
a posteriori probability maximum criterion. The specific feature of speckled image
formation is an inequal accuracy of different pixels Doppler frequency measurement
due to echo amplitude fluctuation. The dual stochastic model is used for .image des—
cription. A posteriori probability calculation equations are derived. The paper
presents binary segmentation algorithms for plane-parallel and arbitrary motion of
objects being sensed when sensor moves relative to underlying surface. The mathema
tical modeling results are presented which prove algorithm efficiency. The computa
tional burden of segmentation algorithins implementation on mainframe digital compu
ter is assessed.
Key Words: Doppler speckled images, binary segmentation, dual stochastic model.
A new class of information systems -
Doppler optical systems with coherent
radiation and heterodyne echo reception
- provides aii effective means of remote
sensing. These systems are the result
of radar and electro-optical sensor
technology fusion. They combine optical
techniques and radar signal analysis
and processing methods.(Hull,1982).
The systems of this type offer a number
of important advantages and are parti
cularly suited for applied problems
solution, including automatic search,
detection and recognition of small-size
mobile objects against complex back
ground. (Harney , 1 981 i Harney,I960; Prey,
The solution of automatic object reco
gnition problem based on digital image
processing techniques requires a preli
minary segmentation of a scene being
sensed which is the image partitioning
into uniform by some attribute regions
(Sullivan,1980). DOI segmentation is
traditionally implemented through se
lection of pixels with -frequencies ex
ceeding the specified threshold which
is common in radiolocation (Pney,1983).
This Doppler shift frequency selection
may he complemented by amplitude selec
ti Oil.
The traditional approach to DOT segmen
tation, however, often gives extremely
unsatisfactory results as doesn't ac
count for spatial extension of object
images, correlation between object pix
els frequencies and some pr ! ncipal pe
culari ties of 1)01 formation.
The so called speckle-effect is inhe
rent in real DOI. It is related to ra
diation coherence and manifests itself
by exponential random DOi pixel inten
sity distribution (Sullivan,1980;Lota-
lick, 1986; Goodman,1985).
p(A)Jt tv №} at 4> '°
L 0 otherwise
where A - is the mean intensity value
defined by object or backgi'ound reflec
tion factor. One-dimensional probabili
ty distribution density provides the
comprehensive characteristic of speckle
structure so far as echo intensity flu
ctuations in neighbouring pixels are
statistically independent (Sullivan,
1980; Wang,1984). The DOI speckle struc
ture essentially effects echo frequency
assessment. When sensor internal noise
level A„ is fixed, the frequency measu
rement error in each DOT element in a
first approximation is defined by (Dan-
sac, 1985)
6 F ~ i/T/A/An (D
where T - pixel analysis time.
Thus the problem of statistically opti
mal DOI segmentation procedure synthe
sis arises. The procedure must account
for extension of objects being analysed,
their frequency images correlation pro
perties, probabilistic characteristics
of measurement results, a priori object
shape information and correlation bet
ween received signals frequency and in
tensity assessments.
There are many heuristic approaches to
segmentation (.Bopil<Jt:HnO,I987 ), Though
attractive regarding applied problems
solution these approaches have obvious
limitations in terms of quantity asses
sment of segmentation procedures quali
ty, stability, reliability and computa
tional complexity. Recently some papers
have appeared (Therrien,1986; Derin,
1986), in which statistical evaluation
theory is applied, to segmentation prob
Let DOI is presented as a frequency mat-
rix HU with dimensions and
as an intensity matrix /4= . E sta
tistical characteristics are given. Let
the typos of image regions being seg
mented are predetermined and nave num
bers from 0 to R-1. Suppous each (x,y)
pixel may take arbitrary state S X yequal
to one of the region type numbers. We