Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

The average emissions of SO2 are less than 140,000 
tons, and its amplitude is also within 15% . At the 
same time the trend of $02_level is the same as its 
emission,so it shows that it. has same relationships 
between the two things except the same, spec it ie 
years. For example^ from 1081 to 1085, its corre 
lation coefficient ( r=0.0 ) is 00 % or so, and the 
year 1081 to 1087 this r is 80 % or so. In 1088, 
emissions broke through fifteen million tons for 
the first time, but the S02 level didn't rise. Fhe 
reason of this might be that sources of emission in 
small cities and towns have rised, and this part of 
emissions are difficult, to reflect from monitoring 
datd of the main cities. 
According to the China Air Quality Of Secondary 
Standard which the annual mean is 0.06 mg / m3 and 
the maximum in once is 0.5 mg m3,the cities of over 
standard (mean & maximum) were 65 % of the total in 
the iate 1980s.Comparing with the American Standard 
( NAAQS ),the S02 annual mean in the main cities of 
China will surpass 40% and the maximum will surpass 
20%,for NAAQS mean is 0.08 mg/m3 and maximum is 1.3 
mg/m3. The annual mean of S02 in the city which was 
the most polluted might surpass NAAQS more than 5 
to 8 times. In the early five years in 1980s, the 
S02 concentration is 3 to 4 times comparing with 
NAAQS at the same time ( 11.S. F.PA, 1986 ). 
Nitrogen Oxides ( NOx ) 
In 1980s,the average concentration of NOx in cities 
is 0.047 mg/m3 or so. The early days' mean is 0.045 
mg/m3, and the late days' mean is 0.048 mg/m3. So 
we can see it rises a bit (shown in Fig.2). 
Fig.2. During 1980s,tendency of NOx level in main 
cities of China. 
The emissions of NOx in the early day in 1980s was 
less than four million and five hundred thousand 
tons the same as one fourth to one fifth of USA 
emissions. A research work show that NOx has a good 
relationship with traffic dusty ( X.L.LIU and S.X. 
HONG, 1987 ). With the rapidly increasing of urban 
automobile numbers the increament. in the big cities 
is very protuberant. In 1980s has been several 
cities mean surpassing the national standard of 
China. This broke the situation that NOx hadn't 
posed the pollution in the middle of 1980s, and it 
will aggravate pollution. 
Total Suspended Particle ( TSP ) 
In the early years of 1980s, TSP annual mean.of the 
main cities of China is about 0.72 mg/m3, which did 
not. include the year of 1989 beeouse the changing 
sample-technique appear the lowest data in history. 
In 1980s, fhe whole country each year's emissions 
dust, and fume and industry TSP amounted to two mil 
lion and five hundnxi thousand tons,and its ampli 
tude has within 10%,TSP concentration amplitude was 
about 15%. The main cities annual mean of emission 
dust, and fume and industry TSP are amounted to one 
million and one hundred thousand tons, fn 1980s, 
the wave amplitude is the same as TSP concentration 
which was about. 15 % . From the year 1981 to 1988, 
the main cities TSP emissions with the annual mean, 
the correlation coefficient was 0.497 . If we 
excepted the year of 1982, r was 0.811. The TSP 
level in 1982 was leaning to high.(If was concerned 
with the conditions of the weather.) 
Fig.3. During 1980s,tendency of TSP level in main 
cities of China. 
Beeouse the TSP level is mostly influneed by loeai 
pollution, and second air pollution, precipitation 
also produced a direct effect on TSP (this function 
hasn't been thought within the TSP emissions), it 
had a unfvourable influnce on the relationship 
between the TSP emissions and concentration. We can 
see the TSP more protuberant than other pollutants 
from the statistics of polluted of state in each 
year. I As shown in Fig.3 ). 
TSP is the most, representative pollutant in China. 
To measure it with national second standard ( 0.3 
mg/m3 ), almost more than 90 % cities in the north 
and 75% in the south,their annual mean over the 
standard and the most maximum multiple more than 
twelve, if comparing the main cities' TSP annual 
mean in our country with the American EPA standard 
of 24h mean which is 0.26 mg/m3, there was only one 
city didn't over it in 1988. in the early years of 
1980s, the TSP annual mean in China was more than 
15 times comparing with American data at. fhe same 
time. The minimum in fhe rare cities of China are 
the maximum in USA. And the emissions are 3 to 4 
times as it.The second air pollution, the uncovered 
surface, the emissions of disorangnized and low 
altitude,and urban constuctions are alI the reason 
of TSP serious pollution. 
Analysis the present condition, there is only a few 
cities annual mean surpass the standard ( the same 
as USA ) which is 0.1 mg / m3 . It seems that this 
kind of condition has not constituted a threat, but 
in fact to measure with the maximum permissible 
dose ( MPD ) of the national standard, there are 
about 65% cities surpass the standard in 1988, the 
most surpass multiple is seven. 
Dust Fall ( Dust ) 
In 1980s, Dust in China had changed obviously. The 
annual mean of nation Dust level is from 20 to 50 
T/km2 per month. In the early years of 1980s, the 
nation's annual mean was 35 T''km2 per month or so, 
and it was about 25 T/km2 per month in the late 
years. So it dropped about ten tons. (See Fig.4 )

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