Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

The level has a certain relationship with TSP level. 
The r of TSP and Dust, in 1980s was 0.681 (r=0.681). 
It shown that TSP and Dust in air pollution have 
alike sources,the pollutants which take coal pollu 
tion as the representative. The windly and dry 
Spring easily increases the cities Dust Pall level, 
and to meet the maximum of monthly mean in the year. 
Fig.4. During 1980s, the tendency of Dust level in 
main cities of China. 
In 1980, becouse China goverment took the matter of 
desertisat ion seriously, shelterbeit engineering in 
northwest of China and other environmental protec 
tion were finished. These measures yield good 
results on natural dust carring and diffusion. But 
dust pollution is still the main content of air 
pollution in China, and it's, the highest surpass 
standard ratio among the four pollutants ( S02,N0x, 
TSP, Dust ) in every year which is more than 90% . 
Acid Rain 
The early years in 1980s, the work of monitoring 
acid rain was launched in part cites. In the middle 
of 1980s,general survey of acid rain was carried on, 
and more than two hundreds sites of national net 
work for the acid rain monitoring were set up. And 
the network was read justed by the end of 1980s. 
In 1980s, the PH value range of acid rain in China 
is 3.0 to 9.5. In some areas acid rain is very 
serious, its frequency is more than 95 X and the PH 
value is about 4.0.In the south of China,especially 
in the southwest, the PH value are the same as the 
northeast, of the USA, and a few cities in southwest 
its PH value are less than the northeast of the USA. 
So we ean say that some southern areas have become 
one of most polluted acid rain areas in the world. 
And as the enlarging monitoring frequency and area 
range, and the in depth research work, it hasn't 
had the proofs to show that the areas of acid rain 
has enlarged and acidity has further increased in 
the whole country in 1980s. 
But we can see the further acidify phenomenon in 
some cities. To see China's acid rain distribution, 
it's more or less the same over 1980s.We occasional 
ly found that it was a rare phenomenon to appear 
acid rain in the northwest,and we haven't found the 
further moniotoring data to show acid rain exist in 
the northwest of China. 
2.2 The Feature And The Regularity Of Air Pollution 
The Regularity Of Years And Seasons 
The result of ten years monitoring data in 1980s 
shows the regularity of year changing ( see Fig.5 ): 
it was the most polluted in the winter and the less 
in the summer.Becouse it has smaller changes in the 
season in southern cities than it in northern 
cities, Coals were fewed to warm in southern of 
China. So the difference between seasons emissions 
is smaller in southern cities and it was proved by 
the testing result on the comparison between 
northern and southern, winter and summer, it shows 
that in northern cities pollution level difference 
between winter and summer is more obviously and 
believable than the southern cities. 
Fig.5. The regularrity of year changing in 
Shanghai of China,1984. 
Dusty pollution has a close relationship with 
meteorological condition. In spring becouse of 
thawing, the northern surface uncovered, dry and 
no-rain,and wind always comes into being.TTie second 
air pollution is the most important source of the 
Dust ( dry deposition J.The data of ten years shows 
that the maximum of Dust in a year is mostly in 
spring ( See Table.1 ). It's the comparison of the 
season-changing in cities in the year 1981-1989. 
Table.1 From 1981 to 1989, percent of the highest 
mean among four seasons in a year. 
item 1 
I spring 
autumn 1 
— - 
.. . _| 
S02 1 
j 9.50 
8.79 ! 
NOx ! 
I 14.65 
20.12 ! 
TSP 1 
i 25.91 
19.60 1 
. ■ -j 
Dust ! 
! 56.28 
9.26 i 
The rule of daily-change 
The daily-changing of meteorological condition and 
the rule of human being's production and daily life 
is the main.reason of the daily-changing air pollu 
tion. The.inversion layer's daily changing has a 
good relationship with air pollutants concentration. 
Fig.6. The daily-changing of S02 level in Beijing 
of China.

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