set the estimation of regression. ^ The emissions in
2000 is based on the results of China energy con
sumption estimation in 2000 and the real changing
tendency in 1980s. According to this, we have the
data of the emissions, because the data are only a
linear regression equation estimation of S02, TSP
and Dust, the estimation of NOx is quoted from
'Chinese Environment in 2000' (G.P.QU, et a 1,1987).
The above comparison form of possible emissions in
2000 which is the calculation for the tendency of
emissions per energy consumption coefficient in
1980s and the emissions from the book of 'China
Environment in 2000' (G.P.QU, et al, 1987). These
data close to the value of the middle-level control
project from this book. In fact, the investment on
harness waste gas and the situation of real harness
can't reach the level of the middle control project.
4.3. The Predicting Result By Linear
Regression Method
According to the data of air monitoring, to have an
linear regression analysis the averange in the
whole country and the corresponding emissions, we
can carry out the regression coefficient of S02,
TSP and Dust. During the calculation we cancel the
data which may has some error. Hie data of S02 is
selected from information in 1981-1987; TSP cancels
the date of 1984 and Dust date is selected from
1981-1988. Now we have a regression equation •
Y (S02) mg /m3 = 0.0001 * X (10.000T) - 0.0152
Y (TSP) mg /m3 = 0.00018 * X (10.000T) + 0.137
Y (Dust) T/km2 per month = 0.0l*XU0,000T)+2.847
Each the correlation coefficient of regression
equation is over 0.7. Using these equation to
calculate the annual average concentration of air
pollutants in the whole country in 2000, we can see
In these equation, C is the concentration: K is a
coefficient of correction: Q is a rate of the
emissions (mg/s): (1 is wind speed (m/s): D is the
mixing heigh (m): V is a width of the city which is
perpendicular to the upwind of the city. The Y is
the accumulation of the U*D*W from every city in
whole country. We select the comparison years is
1981 and 1982. Their NOx emissions are 4.4 million
tons and 4.14 millions tons. Thus we have:
C mg /m3 = Q(mg/s) /2061137000 - 0.0187
Table.5 The results of NOx in 2000 comparing with
in 1981 and in 1982. UNIT: EMISSION IS 10,000T
I ITEM T H C P T M C P T 1981 1982
b 4~ ■ -f- —b — -b ■ — "i
i EMISS j 772 | 813.6 ! 440 I 414 i
b -f- H - i ~h H
| LEVEL f 0.100 I 0.106 ^ 0.049 0.045 I
HOP and MCP same as Table.5. EMISS: emission.
4.4. Conclusion
Through the above calculation we can see that it
will not have groat improvement in the air
environmental quality in the year 2000,and the S02,
NOx pollution will aggravate. It is estimated that
the pollution concentration will be doubled.At that
time, the NOx pollution will appear clearly,and the
dusty pollution will keep the level of that in the
end of 1980s. It must be pointed out that this con
clusion should be according to an essential premise
that we must have great progresses of industy
harness in 1990s.
1)-We have problems from funds to technology on
dealing with the S02 pollution. It seems we
can't avoid that pollution which will get more
serious. This has a bad influnce on southern
acid rain .
The estimation of NOx level accorded to the
proportion modle ( X.L.LIU, and S.X.HONG, 1987 ) in
each city:
Cx = (Qx / ll*D*W) + K
K = Co - (Qo / U*D*W)
In the whole country , we have a equation :
C = Q / Y + K
Table.4 The results of polluted level
predicting by emissions in 2000.
! ITEM b r - 4 -r
'T 4
! S02 I 1,992 I 0.184 I 1,846 I
4 4— 4- 4
i TSP I 2,240 I 0.540 ! 1,285 i
f Dust ! 2,240 f 25.25 j 1,285 f
2).The NOx pollution has become more and more
serious in China air pollution. In 1990s, if we
won't pay more attention to harness it, the auto
pollution will be obviously in many cities. At
present, it has drawn the attention of the
department. In many cities have already launched
the work for monitoring and dealing with the
pollution of auto exhaustion in the last years
of 1980s. It will has a good affect on restrain
ing the NOx pollution.
'4- - t H
~b -b
1 2,071 |
0.192 j
~f— -j-
1 2,207 1
T 2,207 T
24.92 1
HCP and MCP: high and middle control project
in the book by W.X.WANG et al, 1987.