Livio Fent
Photographic Science
Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife
Resource Information Branch
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ISPRS Commission VII
Aerial photographic emulsions have generally been classed into four
broad classes: true color, color infrared, black and white
panchromatic, and black and white infrared. A number of recent
developments have expanded the film use spectrum so that users can
now be more exacting and specific in their applications. The
introduction of panchromatic-infrared films, a negative process for
color infrared film, a greater diversity of color films, plus a
greater awareness of average gradient-gamma manipulation have all
contributed to a more discriminating user approach in aerial
photography. A review of the benefits and applications of these
technologies and techniques is undertaken.
The past five to eight years
have seen significant
advancements made in the field
of photographic emulsion
technology. The introduction of
tabular, core shell, so called
"twin crystal" grains, and the
application of DIR (developer
inhibiting releasing) couplers
have produced emulsions with
improved granularity,
resolution, and color
saturation characteristics [1-
Aerial photography has also had
its share of improvements in
emulsion technology, partly as
a result of the general
improvements in the amateur-
professional markets, and
partly due to specific
requirements in the process of
vertical imaging. The effects
of these changes has been two
fold: one, end users of the
imagery have become more aware
and demanding of products
which suit their needs, two,
acquisition firms have had to
adapt to the proliferation of
these new products and also to
the more critical demands of
their clients. Although the
situation has generally been
advantageous to both the
production and user sectors,
some confusion has inevitably
arisen regarding the
appropriate application of the
various film types.
The four spectral class types
of aerial films have
traditionally been black and
white panchromatic, black and
white infrared, true color
negative and positive, and
false color infrared. These
classes are still valid in the
general sense, however, the
profusion of newer films and
more controlled processing
techniques have introduced