to 1. 5, although the range
varies greatly depending on the
processing conditions (Table
1). This film is gradually
replacing its predecessors in
small scale aerial
applications. Its lower
contrast, its ability to
penetrate haze due to its
slight IR sensitivity, high
resolution, and low graininess
are all factors working in
unison to provide an excellent
small scale product.
Some work has been done in
using both the Kodak 2412 film
and the Agfa 50 film at medium
scales in forest inventory
applications. The performance
of the Agfa 50 film was average
in this regard, but definite
potential was seen with the
Panatomic-X film; it rated
second in preference only to
the Kodak 2424 IR film [8].
Medium speed emulsions.
Three films are currently
available in this class. They
are Ilford's FP3, Kodak's Plus-
X Aerographic 2402, and Agfa's
Aviphot Pan 150. These films
are typically used in small
scale applications due to their
relatively slow film speed,
however, with the advent of
forward motion compensation
cameras, medium scale
applications are now also
becoming viable.
The subtle differences in the
films' spectral sensitivity is
one important factor which
establishes their most
appropriate application. For
example, in small scale
applications where haze may be
a hindrance in the proper tonal
rendition of the terrain, the
Agfa 150 film's sensitivity to
760 nm. significantly improves
the quality of the imagery
(Figure 2). Visual comparisons
of graininess and image
sharpness also tend to favor
the Agfa emulsion (Figure 3),
however, due to recent
findings* the matter remains
The Ilford FP3 film, whose
spectral sensitivity falls
below both the Kodak and Agfa
emulsions, would probably be
inferior in cases where
atmospheric haze required
adequate penetration, but this
film does have its merits. The
average gradient of both the
Plus-X film and the Agfa 150
film tend to be quite high
[7,17] (Table 2), but the FP3
film displays an opposite
tendency (Table 2). The normal
average gradient of this film
seems to be about the 1.0
value. In addition, resolution
tests performed by Wild
(Heerbrugg) place this emulsion
above either the Plus-X or the
Agfa 150 film**. The FP3 would
be advantageous in regions of
high brightness range
conditions such as mountain
forests with alpine meadows and
exposed bedrock or in glacial
studies, but its utility would
have to be judged according to
the severity of haze
Fast speed emulsions. This
category comprises of three
films: Ilford's HP5, Kodak's
Double-X 2405, and Agfa's
Aviphot Pan 200.
J.Cummings, Kodak, personal
communication, Nov. 1989.
F.Zuberbueh I er, WiId,
personal communication, May 1989.