of the resolution of the imagery. Since the swath width
is limited, it will frequently be necessary to have several
overlapping flight lines to obtain the necessary coverage.
The separate flight lines of imagery will then have to be
tied to each other and to the existing ground control in
order to build up a mosaic image of the desired area.
To put the data volume question into perspective, the
general experience at CCRS has been that each flight
line generally contains 8 bands of imagery with 20000
to 30000 scan lines of 1024 pixels each which requires
approximately 200 Megabytes of disk storage. Thus for a
project requiring more than 3 or 4 flight lines, a system
disk storage capacity of 1 Gigabyte or more very quickly
becomes a necessity if one wishes to have quick access to
both raw and processed imagery.
2 Geometric Processing
The basic concept behind the geometric correction and
resampling processing is to compute the exact location
of each input pixel in the output coordinate system and
then to resample the imagery onto a uniform grid. Before
this may be attempted, it is necessary to have accurate
knowledge of the time history of the sensor motion. Al
though in theory it should be possible to solve for the mo
tion of the sensor based entirely on ground control points
and stereo imagery, the accumulated flight experience at
CCRS for several different types of aircraft has indicated
that the aircraft motion contains sufficient high frequency
components to render the concept impractical. Thus the
acquisition and recording of auxiliary position and atti
tude data for use in post-processing of the imagery has
become the chosen method at CCRS (Gibson, 1986). The
position and attitude data are recorded from an inertial
navigation system simultaneously with the imagery data
in a manner which maintains an exact time correlation
between the two data sets. Although the inertial sys
tem parameters contain very good relative information
(i.e. from sample to sample), they are nevertheless cor
rupted with low frequency errors in the form of position
offsets and drifts, and an angular misalignment between
the inertial coordinate frame and the imager coordinate
frame. Therefore, before the inertial system data may be
used to compute the position of the imagery pixels, it is
necessary to compute and remove these inherent errors.
This is accomplished by identifying control points in the
imagery for which the ground coordinates are known and
then adjusting the navigation system data to achieve a
least-squares fit of the imagery to the control points.
2.1 Motion Data
The motion data recorded in the aircraft consists of veloc
ity, position and attitude data as derived from the iner
tial navigation system. In addition, aircraft flying height
data is also recorded from a high accuracy barometric al
timeter. At the present time, a project is underway to
incorporate Global Positioning System (GPS) data with
the existing inertial system data sets in order to reduce
or possibly eliminate the requirement for ground control
point measurements.
2.2 Photogrammetric Solution
The algorithm for adjusting the navigation system data is
based on rigorous photogrammetric principles and incor
porates the standard Collinearity and Coplanarity condi
tions (Slama, 1980); the former for utilising ground con
trol points and the latter for tying multiple flight lines
together using features of unknown location common to
overlapping flight lines. The condition equations contain
non-linear terms involving the attitude angles. A least-
squares solution to the condition equations may be ob
tained however, by deriving a linear approximation to
the equations and following an iterative procedure which
updates the estimated parameters in each step until no
further improvement is possible. This approach is well
known for conventional photo-mapping projects. The al
gorithm was modified to handle the MEIS situation which
does not have a central perspective point like a camera
and also to accommodate the time sampled position and
attitude measurement data from the inertial navigation
system. The low frequency random errors in the iner
tial navigation system data are represented in the system
error model as low order polynomials and subsequently
removed as part of the adjustment process.
The following is a brief overview of the derivation of the
photogrammetric correction algorithm. Refer to Figure 1
for illustrations of the following vector definitions:
• The sensor flight path as a function of time consists
of a position vector p(t) and an attitude vector a(<),
both specified with respect to the Geocentric Carte
sian Coordinate frame X, Y, Z. The attitude angles
specify the rotation components between the Geo
centric Cartesian coordinate frame and the sensor
coordinate frame.
• The sensor position and attitude at the instant in
which a specific ground feature is viewed in the
forward channel are pj and a, respectively, that is
Pi = vi 1 }) and = «(*>)•
• The pointing vector for any specific pixel in the for
ward channel is represented in the sensor coordinate
frame by the vector m, .
• The pointing vector (i.e. where the sensor pixel is
looking for any specific pixel in the forward channel
is represented in the Geocentric Cartesian coordinate
frame by the vector xj and is related to mj by the
equation Xj — Cjirij, where Cj is a direction co
sine matrix derived from the attitude angle vector
Cj = C(d}).
• In a similar manner, the equivalent quantities for the
aft view are obtained by substituting the subscript k
in place of j in the above definitions.