graphics height-editing facility which will enable an oper
ator to interactively adjust the derived height for anoma
lous points or areas where the computed results are incor
rect. The display software will allow a three dimensional
rendering of the height data to be rotated to enable the
operator to observe the data from different perspective
points in real time during the editing process.
4 Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge the continuing support
of CCRS in the development of processing software for
MEIS imagery and the support of OCRS for the evalu
ation project carried out by R/SMT. They also wish to
thank other participants in the software development over
the past several years, in particular, Rod Jones of R/SMT
and Lidia Hak and Bruce Luneburg, both presently un
der contract to CCRS, whose past and present efForts
have made this paper possible.
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