Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

( X, Y, Z ) : ground coordinate of target P 
( X(L),Y(L),Z(L) ) : ground coordinate of the position of 
sensor on scan band L 
{ m it } 
scan band ( L = MOD( J, 6 ) 
assumed prinei pa 1 dis tance 
1 ) 
components of rotation matrix on scan band L 
The position and attitude of sensor are expressed as functions 
of scan band L since they are ever changing. The concept of scan 
band is used because LANDSAT MSS scans six lines at a time. It was 
experimentally found out that the position and the attitude could 
be expressed by monomials and by trinomials, respectively as below. 
Angle deviation ( u ) caused by the irregularity of scan mirror 
rotation is also expressed by a trinomial of pixel number. 
Xq — a j -P b j L 
2 0 —+ b L 
<P=a À + bL+c L +dV 
co—a. -P b L -Pc L -p d L 
5 5 5 5 
~ a c>+ b 6 L +c e L 
V = d 7 I (/ — N/ 2 ) (/-/V) 
Totally 19 orientation parameters have to be determined. They 
are solved from the image coordinates and ground coordinates of 
GCPs and the approximations of the position and attitude of sensor, 
it was found out from experiments that more than 11 GCPs was 
necessary for sufficient accuracy when they were well distributed. 
The s 
accuracy c 
Here is int 
imagery an 
size from 
with the ac 
in the same 
bird's eye 
south with 
atellite imagery corrected 
an be superimposed on other 
roduced a bird's eye view o 
d DEM. Elevation data were 
250m grid. Geometric correc 
curacy of less than a pixel 
grid size of DEM. Both dat 
view by parallel proje 
Photo. 1 shows the result 
the depression angle of 30 
geometrically with sufficient 
geographical informations, 
f Mt. Fuji using LANDSAT MSS 
interpolated into 56m grid 
tion of MSS imagery was done 
, and the data were resampled 
a were processed to produce a 
ction through hidden point 
which was projected from the 
3. Geometric Correction of MOS-1 VT1R imagery 
ied ou 
ttle d 
r large 
n g t h i 
ty of 
2 ) is 
geometric correction of MOS-1 VT 
t utilizing photogrammetric princ 
ifferent from that of LANDSAT MSS 
curvature is not negligible sin 
area. The exterior orientation i 
system and the earth is represen 
s effect into account. Both the p 
are expressed by binomials of tin 
scan mirror rotation and the cone 
Consequently the equation (1) is 
replaced by line number J. 
IR imagery can be also 
iples. But the method is 
imagery. The effect of 
ce VTIR imagery covers 
s made on the geocentric 
ted by an ellipsoid for 
osition and the attitude 
e number J. The irregu- 
ept of scan band are not 
modified into (5) and L 
Av ' 
V V 

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