provide continuing technical assistance for remote sensing
users within the Forest Service.
help fill the great need for current and accurate information
about forest resources.
help eliminate the current shortage of skills in remote sensing
and image interpretation.
be the focal point for interface between resource groups and
the technology.
provide an accessible point-of-contact for technical assistance,
references, training, and other materials,
have trained personnel act as a catalyst by introducing
knowledge and technology to their home units.
Trained Forest Service personnel will also act as a technical skill pool to develop and
evaluate different hardware/software systems to solve their resource information
problems. Users will determine if resource requirements of accuracy, cost, and timeliness
can be met. Users will also establish limits of what kinds of information can be derived
from remotely sensed data.
To manage any resource, the resource manager needs the best information possible at a
reasonable price. Therefore, the goal is larger than the data itself (Helfert, 1989). All
forms of imagery (35mm, 70mm, 9"x9", 9"xl8", optical bar photos, airborne multi-spectral
scanners, Landsat MSS & TM, Spot color and panchromatic, AVHRR, thermal, radar)
will be used either solely or in combination with other images. The systems or systems
which works best for deriving information at a reasonable cost using manual and/or
automated interpretation methods into a digital form will be adopted.
The Integrating Remote Sensing initiative is a program to unite remote sensing and
geographic information systems in order to obtain more accurate and up-to-date forest
resource information. The 1RS is a combined effort from many Forest Service groups.
The Nationwide Forestry Applications Program is acting as the administrator to the
program. National Forests and Research Stations will supply the projects and students to
learn how to ’drive’ the system or systems which derives the spatial information they are
searching for.