products with reliable products are required, however
it will be difficult if the data size become huge.
In this paper, global DDM excluding Antarctica are
produced using GTOPO30 - global 30 second arc
DEM provided by USGS and some other global data
sets. A similar products are now available as “HYDRO
IK, Elevation Derivative Database” at USGS, which
includes data sets of (1) Aspect , (2) Flow
Directions ,(3) Flow Accumulations (4) Slope (5)
Compound Topographic Index. The URL of the site
However the available data of “HYDRO-IK” are only
two - North America and Africa - and other continents
- South America, Asia, Europe and Australia - are still
under the processing( October 1998). Furthermore, the
algorithm and the accuracy of river network systems
are not clear in “HYDRO-IK” at this moment. This
paper describes the detail of the developed algorithm
for DDM generation and reliability of the extracted
river systems.
The used data to generate the global DDM are as
30 seconds arc Digital Elevation Model of the world
lands, provided by USGS.
The accuracy of the data is not equally qualified
because the data sources are varied. GTOPO30 is one
of the precise mesh elevation data covering the entire
world land area. The data is also available at following
site, and detail of the data can be obtained.
DCW River Data
Digital Chart of the World (DCW) includes the world
river system(stream line) data as “DNNET” coverage
in LINE feature. Because the data is ARC/Info format,
it is converted to 30 seconds grid raster format.
WBDb-II River Data
World Boundary Databank -II is data sets provided by
U.S. Department of State(DoS)/ Central Intelligence
Agency(CIA), and it includes the global river system
data. Because the data is ARC/Info format, it is
converted to 30 seconds grid raster format. The data
density is no so high as DCW river data, and it means
that river systems in WBDb-II data set are more
significant river systems than DCW river systems. The
location of river lines are not exactly same as DCW’s
river lines. The data can be obtained from UN/GRID.
USGS 1km Land Cover.
The data is provided by USGS. It is classified image
using 1km 10 days composite data from April 1992 to
March 1993 combined with other global data sets such
as GTOPO30 and existing vegetation maps. There are
6 maps provided based on 6 category systems such as
1. Global Ecosystem Legend, 2. IGBP Land Cover
Legend, 3. USGS Land Use/Land Cover System
Legend, 4. Simple Biosphere Model Legend, 5. Simple
Biosphere 2 Model Legend , 6. Biosphere Atmosphere
Transfer Scheme Legend. In this paper, ”3. USGS
Land Use/Land Cover System Lend” is used to get
information of “water body” distribution which is not
described in DCW nor WBDb-II data sets. The data
can be obtained from following URL: