technique was applied to distribute the
errors among the observed points.
The results obtained from the accuracy
analysis in static and kinematic mode are
discussed below. Figure 2 shows the
minimum observation time to achieve
20cm precision as a function of baselength
in static mode with RT20. RT20 is the
proprietary algorithm developed by
Novatel for phase observation using single
frequency GPS in real time.
Figure 3 and 4 shows the horizontal and
vertical accuracy that can be achieved at a
baselength of 13 km as a function of
observation time period. An accuracy of
20cm can be achieved after 30minutes
observation for the horizontal component.
It takes more than 45 minutes for the
vertical component to give the same level
of accuracy. The height accuracy is less
than the horizontal accuracy.
Figure 2: Minimum observation time as a
function of baselength
Figure 3: Horizontal Accuracy (Static
Figure 4: Vertical Accuracy (Static
Figure 5 shows the comparison of accuracy
that can be achieved with real time (with
RT20, carrier phase observation) and post
processing (without RT20,only code
phase). The accuracy achieved in carrier
phase with RT20 is better than the
accuracy achieved by code phase.