4.3 Plane-table survey with handy type inertial de-
vice(making a map)
In the experiment, the shape of the pond was measured in
the traverse point with the inertial device (Figure 4-3).
Original point O (point C in previous traverse experiment)
was set up by the pond, the device block as initialization
on point O was put on the Transit plinth, and it was in
stalled so that the detection axis of accelerometer x axially
might turn to north by the azimuth magnetic needle. Also,
the block in hand was moved from point 0 to the corner (8
points in all) of the pond, it was put on the corner, and the
measurement was ended there. Also, after returning to
point O again and performing the same initial setup, and
measurement was made up to the next survey point. Thus
after measurement for 1 point was finished one by one,
again it returned to point O. And after performing the initial
setup, the experiment was made by the method of meas
uring even the following point. Figure 4-7 shows the ex
periment result.
.**■ /
V ft
. ✓
> h
-30 -20 -10 0
E-W direction distance(m]
Outline of pond ° a *c ■ « *0 — TEST 1
Original point O ♦ b od ♦ f Ah — TEST2
Figure 4-7 Plane-table survey result
The original point in figure is point O. And the characters
from a to h indicate the corners (measured points) of the
pond. The shape of the pond cannot be expressed at all
according to Figure 4-7. The measurement result of point a
which is the nearest to point O is plotted in about the point
a, but the measurement result in other points is not stable,
and contains a big error. The dotted line is TEST1, and the
short dashes line is TEST2. Even though the plane-table
survey made movement of the device distance with the
traverse survey, the calculation result became quite differ
ent from each other. Different points to be enumerated
between the traverse survey experiment and the plane-
table survey experiment are that the device block was
installed in the truck in the traverse survey experiment, but
it was moved by hand in the plane-table survey. Therefore,
it is thought that the reason why the error was greatly
calculated by the actual experiment is because the device
block was moved by hand. When moving with the device
block in hand like in the experiment at this time, movement
becomes complex and when data is analyzed, a quite
different result is obtained. When moving with the device
block in hand even if the device block is moved as slowly
as possible (In the actual experiment, it was moved as
slowly as possible.) a minute movement when moving with
the device block in hand or minute vibration and the impact
when walking surely affect accelerometer and the vibration
gyro. Such movement can be thought not as the accelera
tion to the movement but only useless. Therefore, it is
thought that the shape of the pond was not able to be
shown because of a lot of the errors calculated with a lot of
such useless operations. From the above-mentioned, we
think it necessary for devising the external force error
factor like the vibration and the impact not to join accele
rometer and the gyro, and shortening the movement time
when moving with the inertial device in hand.
5.Development of the Close Range Photogrammetry
without using any Control Points.
Information on the position and attitude of a camera can
be obtained by installing a camera with accelerometer and
gyroscope. The purpose of this paper is to develop a pho
togrammetry without using any control points using a
camera with an installed inertial device.
5.1 Inertial device camera system
Fig.5-1 shows the inertial device camera that was made by
the authors. This camera is mounted with the vibration
gyroscopes and accelerometers installed on three axes,
and information on the position and attitude of the camera
can be obtained. The camera used is non-metric 35mm
still camera. The camera is calibrated in advance.
Fig.5-1: Inertial device camera
5.2 Three-dimensional measurement by using inertial
device camera
This paper runs the experiment of three-dimensional
measurement by using an inertial device camera as fol
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