Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

The detail of the components of the video theodolite system is 
shown in Table 1. 
Table 1 Components of the video theodolite system 
MET2NV ( Soldda, accuracy ±2’) 
CCD 1 
CCD 2 
CCB-GC5 (Sony, 510HX492V) 
EVI-310 (Sony, 768HX494V) 
f = 300mm 
/•= 5.9 ~ 47.2mm 
MTAT-CL ( Microtehcnica, 15.734KHz ) 
HR-SC1000( Victor) 
PVM-1454Q ( Sony ) 
Optiplex GXM 5200 ( DELL ) 
Nu-View ( 3-D VIDEO INC. ) 
Figure 2 shows the Stereo adapter (3-D VIDEO INC., Nu-View). 
Right and left image are taken as the odd field and even field by a 
liquid crystal shutter. The even lines on the odd field are 
interpolated using a just upper odd line respectively, similar the 
odd lines on the even field are interpolated in this paper. Figure 3 
shows an interpolation concept. 
Thus, Stereo image can be acquired by fitting the stereo adapter 
to a lens of the CCD 2 camera. Figure 4 shows the configuration 
of the system. 
Figure 5 Test model 
Figure 6 Test site of tracking 
The following image A1 (Figure 7) was taken from 2.3650m as 
the original orientation image. The left-hand number 
superimposed in the upper left comer shows the horizontal angle 
(H o =-0°0 \ ). The number just to the right is the zenith (Vo= 0°0 3 , 
F=90°-Zenith angle) and the distance (D=2.3650m). 
Figure 7 Orientation image 
Figure 5 shows the test model was used in this paper. The small 
squared points are control points and other 25 black circle points 
are check points for checking accuracy. The yellow rectangular 
target is the tracking marker and the black white rectangular 
target is reflector for distance measurement. 
In order to confirm the tracking system and the relationship 
between the rotation parameters (co, <fi) and the reading angles 
(zenith, horizontal) of the video theodolite, the following 
experiments were performed using the moving target (Figure 6). 
Sheet Reflector 
Tracking Marker

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