with those of the model top. In Figure 5(b), Region 41 does not
match with the model region if one layer Hopfield neural
network is used. However, its edges match with those of the
model top in the line pattern layer of the two-layer Hopfield
neural network. Region 41 is thus recognized properly.
In this paper, we introduced a two-layer Hopfield neural
network for recognition of 3-D objects from AIMS imagery. In
this approach, a 3-D object is back-projected onto an image
with known interior and exterior orientation parameters. The
extracted edges and regions are then matched with the back-
projected features in a two-layer Hopfield neural network. The
network considers the relationship of image regions and model
regions and the similarity between image edges and model
edges simultaneously. The experimental results of truck
recognition showed very encouraging potential. The full result
including truck velocity estimation is in Li et al. (1998b) at
We appreciate the Research Grants from the National Science
Foundation (NSF CMS-9812783) and OSU Center for
Mapping. AIMS data are provided by OSU Center for
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