Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

7 Conclusions 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 14: (a) Original imager(b) through a text-area 
filterr(c) text region located 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 15: (a) Original imager(b) through a text-area 
filterr(c) text region located 
window while a traffic sign tracked in a sequence of 
images is becoming bigger. 
The other method is to adaptively determine the 
size of the local window. Vertical edges of a text region 
can be considered as an uniform distribution. Statis 
tical variables can be used to find a suitable window 
size. For instancerassume the window size w varies 
from 15x1 to 50x1 ran accumulator cell A(w) is at 
tached to each window size w. Scan the whole imager 
if the distribution of the vertical edges in the local 
window of the size w is uniformly distributedT vote 
the cell A(w). Large accumulated values in the cells 
mean there exist potential text lines with a certain 
font size corresponding to the window size w in the 
(a) (b) (c) (d) 
Figure 16: (a) Original imager(b) through a text-area 
filterr(c) text region locatedr(d) characters located 
In this paperFwe describe automatic traffic sign de 
tection. The results here cover the first module: sign 
detection. Future work will integrate the remaining 
three modules: sign recognitionTsign localization and 
sign prediction shown in Figure 2. 
Acknowledgments : Thanks go to Dr. Alan Selby 
for his assistance in proofreading this paper. 
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