Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

W. Möhlenbrink, R. Bettermann 
Institut für Anwendungen der Geodäsie im Bauwesen 
University of Stuttgart 
KEY WORDS: Geographie database, Navigation, Data Model, Airport database 
The air traffic on airports is increasing. Main bottleneck is the start and landing capacity of the airports. The movement of planes from 
the runways to the parking positions causes high traffic densities on the taxiway network and congestion have to be avoided. This 
problem is getting even more relevant for safety if the traffic in the air will be influenced directly by the traffic situation on the airport. In 
order to enhance the runway capacity a taxiguidance system called TAGXY was developed. It will provide optimal routing and turn-by 
turn guidance from touchdown to the final parking position. An airport database for this taxi guidance system which meets the technical 
and commercial requirements was created on the base of a known data model for car navigation systems. 
Der steigende Flugverkehr führt zu Problemen bei der Navigation von Flugzeugen in der Luft und auf den Flughäfen. Dieses kapazitäts- 
und sicherheitsrelevante Problem soll durch ein Flughafen-Zielführungssystem gemildert werden, das auf einer digitalen 
Flughafendatenbank basiert. Auf der Basis des aus der Kfz-Navigation bekannten Datenmodells wurde eine Spezifikation für 
Flughafenkarten erarbeitet. Die Adaption des Navigations-Datenmodells von routenfähigen Spezifikationen aus dem Straßenverkehr auf 
den Luftverkehr erwies sich als außerordentlich effizient. Um diese Datenspezifikation auf ihre Marktfähigkeit zu testen, wurden 
unterschiedlichen Datenerfassungsmethoden evaluiert Es ist zu erwarten, daß mit der hier vorgestellten Erfassungsspezifikation 
zielführungsfähige Flughafenkarten effizient erstellt werden können. 
The air traffic has been growing in the last year continuously. As 
a consequence not only the traffic in the air is getting crowded 
and invokes new requirements to the safety demands in the air. 
The traffic on the airport is increasing as well. But changes in the 
infrastructure of the airports are almost impossible. A TAGSY- 
Guidance System will enable optimised organisation in the flight 
field area and will lead toto possibilities for increasing the traffic 
flow on airports. 
One important part of this is the safety of the route planning 
process itself and the other is the realisation of the planning. Both 
components can be supported by information systems based on a 
digital airport database. 
To illustrate problems in the field of the taxi guidance the 
following description sketch of the information flow in a landing 
procedure is given. The pilot receives the landing permission. He 
is guided to the touch down point on the runway by the integrated 
landing system (ILS). He is told to take a defined way to his 
parking position. An additional requirement is to take a rapid exit 
from the runway, so that the tower can confirm the landing 
permission for the next aircraft. 
Leaving the runway the pilot up today has to navigate on his own 
on the given taxiways. The information about finding this way 
can be drawn from a paper map and the signs placed on the 
apron. In practice this leads to curious situation, this means 
aircrafts stop suddenly on the taxiway in order to ask for the right 
turn information. 
With a technique used in car navigation today the pilot will find 
the way with more reliability. Car navigation systems are based 
on digital road maps. One of the main problems to introduce such 
a system to the avionic market is the lack of digital airport 
databases or digital airport maps being prepared for optimal 
1.1 Ground base situation 
The logistic planning process is divided into specific parts. The 
geometry in the database is useful in the strategic and tactical 
phase. In the long term planning procedures the optimal 
utilization of the parking positions is the main aim. But it is 
equally important to avoid dead lock situations in which an 
aircraft is forced to drive backwards. 
In the operational phase the knowledge of the aircraft position is 
needed. In the modern concepts the position of the aircraft is 
supplied by the aircraft whether in coordinates or logically 

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