The results presented show that it is possible within 15 s with a
99 999% probability to select the track upon which the train is
travelling from parallel tracks separated by 3.5 m.
This paper has presented the results of a test aimed at identifying
the effectiveness of an integrated DGPS, dead reckoning and map
matching system. From the inference of the statistics, the location
of a train can be isolated to a particular track from multiple
parallel tracks, separated by 3.5 m at a 99.999% probability after
travelling 15 s. Further analysis is being undertaken into larger
sections of track and areas of adverse conditions.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of John Kean of
the Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane for providing
details of the permanent survey marks used in the test; Jim Steed
for providing the AFN data; Bob Ross and Peter Oates of Land
Victoria for providing the GPS receivers; Peter Vincent of
OmniSTAR Pty. Ltd. for providing the differential correction
service and equipment; and Queensland Rail for providing access
to their locomotives, track and signalling sheds. Thanks also to
Tony Dsouza and Stuart Ross of Westinghouse Brake and Signal
Company (Australia) Ltd. for their assistance in performing these
Finally, I would like to thank Marc Chadwick and Wayne
McDonald of Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company
(Australia) Ltd. for organising and funding the surveys.
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