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i The evaluation of all sensor data is carried out after the data
i acquisition. The basic structure of this post-processing is outlined in
; figure (3). It consists of two independent parallel computations: the
I! determination of the trajectory and the object recognition.
I| Subsequent to this step is the setup of the data base, the
! determination of the alignment elements and the object positioning.
Figure 3: Overview of the post-processing concept
The determination of the trajectory is carried out by a cascaded
filter system. The structure of this system is outlined in figure (4). It
consists of two pre-processing steps and the main filter.
! Figure 4: cascaded filter system with two pre-processing steps
and central Kalman-Filter (including sensor signals)
3.1 Pre -filtering of the trajectory observations
In the first step of pre-processing the original measurement values
are corrected and converted to pseudo-observations, like air
pressure differences from the barometer readings to. height
In this step of the post-mission data processing it is also necessary
to transform all the data from the individual sensor coordinate
systems into a common reference frame. This is defined as the body
system of the van with its origin given by the reference point of the
IMU and axes parallel to the main axes of the van. This
transformation is applied for both, position- and velocity
The second pre-processing step consists of smoothing all pseudo
observations. The GPS Kalman filter is a completely independent
Kalman filter, where the double-differenced pseudo-ranges from
code measurement and the triple-differenced carrier phase
measurements (phase rates) are processed as observations. Since
changes in position can considerably be smoothed by GPS Kalman
filtering all other pseudo-observations have to undergo filtering and
smoothing algorithms in order to obtain the homogeneity of input
data for central Kalman filtering. The filter-smoother automatically
locates outliers and provides estimates of the precision. In order to
obtain an optimal control on sensor signals and pseudo
observations, respectively, all sensors are pre-processed separately
and subsequently combined in a central Kalman-Filter with feed
3.2 Central Kalman Filter
The three-dimensional position as well as the velocity from GPS,
the three rotation angles of the Inertial System, the velocity in
direction of motion from the odometer and last not least the height
change from barometer readings are introduced into the Kalman-
Filter as observations. The observations are summarised in table 1.
x, y, h
3 D position from GPS
3 D velocity from GPS
<px, <py, <pz
Azimuth from INS
v odo
velocity from odometer
height differences from barometer
Table 1 : The observations of the main Kalman Filter
The theoretical and mathematical structure of the Kalman-Filter is
an expansion of the one comprehensively described in (Wang 1997)
and (Sternberg 1996, Sternberg 1998a) and therefore we have not to
go into further details in this article. In contrast to conventional
navigation filters being designed for the estimation of the error -
state of the system, the position is directly estimated in this filter.
Furthermore the azimuth, the tangential velocity of the system
(equivalent to the velocity in moving direction) and the normal
acceleration, which is perpendicular to the moving direction, are
estimated in the main filter.