The development of automated approaches to enhance the
processing of mobile mapping image sequences using
computational vision theories and methods has been one of the
research focuses at The University of Calgary. The methods
developed can be grouped into two categories: Information
extraction and image bridging using stereo image sequences.
These methods are described along with a discussion of the
evaluation results using VISAT image data sets.
Mobile mapping systems represent a significant advance in
multi-sensor integrated digital mapping technology, which
provides an innovative path towards rapid and cost-effective
collection of high-quality and up-to-date spatial information
(Bossier et al., 1991; Chapman et al., 1999; El-Sheimy, 1996;
Hock, et al., 1995; Li, 1997; Novak, 1995; Schwarz et al.,
1993b and Tao, 1998). The development of mobile mapping
systems is promoted by the use of multi-sensor integration
technology. In general, we classify the sensors into three
(1) Absolute orientation sensors
• Environment-dependent external positioning sensors:
GPS, and radio navigation systems
• Self-contained inertial positioning sensors: INS, dead
reckoning systems, gyroscopes, accelerometers,
compasses, odometers, and barometers
(2) Relative orientation sensors
• Passive imaging sensors: Video and digital cameras
• Active imaging sensors: Laser range finders or scanners,
and Radar (SAR)
(3) Attribute collection sensors
• Passive imaging sensors: video/digital frame cameras,
multi-spectrum/hyper-spectrum push-broom scanners
• Active imaging sensors: SAR and Laser range finders or
• Manual recording: voice recording and touch-screen
• Other sensors: temperature, air pressure, gravity gauges,
A global coord. A local coord. Objects of
system system interest
Figure 1. The concept of direct georeferencing
Absolute orientation sensors are platform-oriented. They are
used to determine the absolute locations of the mobile mapping
platform, for instance, a van-type vehicle, with respect to a
global coordinate system (e.g., WGS-84). On the other hand,
relative orientation sensors provide the positional information
of objects relative to the platform in a local coordinate system.
Both relative orientation sensors and attribute collection sensors
are feature-oriented, and many have capabilities of providing
both orientation and attribute information, such as imaging
cameras and laser range finders/scanners.
One of the most important concepts of mobile mapping systems
is direct-georeferencing. The conceptual layout of direct
georeferencing is shown in Figure 1. Direct-georeferencing
refers to the use of absolute orientation sensors to determine the
exterior orientation of the sensors without using ground control
points and photogrammetric block triangulation. For example, if
a camera sensor is used, any captured image can be “stamped”
with the georeferencing parameters, namely three positional
parameters and three attitude parameters by using absolute
orientation sensors (GPS/INS). As a result, 3-D reconstruction
using stereo images becomes straightforward, since the exterior
orientation parameters of each image are available. Direct
georeferencing greatly facilitates the mapping procedure. The
rapid turn-around time of data processing and reduced cost of
ground control surveys are very beneficial.
In recent years, the computer vision community has extensively
addressed the computational aspects of visual motion analysis.
In this section, the general methodology used in visual motion
studies is reviewed. The purpose is to try to identify the
problems that we have under the framework of visual motion
analysis, so that the well-developed methods and the
accumulated experience can be utilized.
3.1 Basic Issues in Visual Motion Analysis
In principle, the study of visual motion analysis, or, motion and
structure from image sequences, consists of two basic issues:
• Determining image optical flow and/or feature
correspondences from image sequences, and
• Estimating motion and structure parameters using the
determined optical flow and/or feature correspondences.
In mobile mapping systems, the captured image sequences have
been georeferenced by using GPS/INS integrated positioning
techniques. The orientation parameters of each camera exposure
center are determined with respect to a global coordinate
system, i.e., the motion is known. By using techniques of
photogrammetric intersection, the computation of 3-D object
coordinates is very straightforward. However, conjugate points
need to be identified, that is, point (feature) correspondence
needs to be established. Therefore, our research emphasis will
be placed on the first issue - determination of correspondences
from image sequences.
In fact, the photogrammetry community has been paid a great
amount of attention to the second issue. The research results
from computer vision studies not only enhance the
understanding of projective geometry and algebraic geometry,
but also extend and enrich photogrammetric theories and
methods, for example, videogrammetry. Some of the concepts,
theories and methods derived by computer vision groups have
been investigated by photogrammetrists and applied in