photogrammetric triangulation. Consequently, an integrated
approach to multiple-image-based object measurement was
developed (Tao et al., 1996 and Tao, 1997).
b. Multiple-image-based semi-automatic object measurement
The integrated GPS/INS navigation technology allows the
collected image sequences to be georeferenced rigorously in a
global coordinate system. Thus, the multinocular epipolar
constraint is available from the image sequences with known
ego-motion parameters. As shown in Figure 2, given a pair (i, j)
of cameras and a physical point P, the conjugate epipolar lines
L,j and Lji can be determined. A scene point P produces three
pairs of homologous epipolar lines. When the image point (/,, I jt
/*) forms a triplet of homologous image points, then I, is
necessarily located at the intersection of the epipolar lines L tj
and L ilc , respectively, defined by /, and I k . Therefore, the search
for homologous image points between two images can now be
reduced to a simple verification at a precise location in the third
image. For instance, checking that {I I , I 2 ) form a pair of
homologous image points consists of verifying the presence of
1 3 at the intersection of L 31 and L 32 . The more the images used,
the more the constraints that are available.
Figure 2. Multinocular stereo geometry and multiple
epipolar constraint
The proposed multiple-image matching method consists of the
following steps: •
• Manually select an object point in the current left image
using the mouse pointer.
• Automatically snap a critical point close to the input point
using a feature snapping technique.
• Perform the initial image matching between the current left
image and the right image along the corresponding
epipolar line to find a set of match candidates. If no match
candidate is found, use the forward left image or the
backward left image in the image sequence forward-current
or backward-current image matching.
• Conduct consistency filtering to determine and validate the
best match point from the match candidates using the
multinocular epipolar constraint.
• Calculate 3-D coordinates of the object point using
multiple-baseline photogrammetric intersection.
Several techniques such as, feature snapping, weighted cross
correlation, correlation coefficient analysis, disparity range
constraint, and two-way matching double-check, are also
developed to further reduce the matching ambiguities. It has
been tested that the matching successful rate is very high (96%)
compared to other matching methods. Moreover, the finally
obtained accuracy of 3-D object coordinates is greatly improved
due to the use of multiple image geometry.
4.1.2 Road Centerline Reconstruction
a. Overview
The management of vehicles and infrastructure requires a high-
quality and up-to-date road-related spatial information system.
Road centerline information has been extensively used to
generate road network information systems. Such information
can also be used to derive road inspection parameters such as
the longitudinal profile and surface deformation, which are
important indicators for road maintenance. The acquisition of
up-to-date road centerline data using conventional field survey
is fairly difficult due to the cost and logistical reasons.
Since the image features of road centerlines are relatively
distinctive, it is expected that automatic reconstruction of road
centerlines from mobile mapping images can be realized. The
first trial was performed by He and Novak (1992). They applied
two methods to automate the reconstruction of road centerlines
from a stereo image pair. The first one relies on the definition of
the centerline by a certain pattern, e.g., by a bright line. Once
the defined patterns are detected, they are approximated by an
analytical function. The second one permits the user to define a
starting point of a centerline on the screen. A line following
algorithm is then employed to trace this centerline from the
bottom to the top of the image until it disappears. Xin (1995)
and Tao (1997) implemented similar methods in the VISAT
system. Three line-following algorithms, namely direction-
matrix-based line following, least squares line following, and
polynomial edge fitting were tested. However, none of them
performed superior than the others. It is observed that these
methods can only detect and reconstruct the centerlines on the
basis of a stereo image pair. The capability of continuous
reconstruction of road centerlines from a complete image
sequence is limited.
Based on a solid theory, deformable models, an effective and
very reliable approach was proposed and developed to address
the issue of automatic and continuous reconstruction of road
centerlines from long image sequences (Tao, 1996, and Tao et
al., 1998).
b. Automatic and continuous reconstruction of road centerlines
from long image sequences
In this approach, the reconstruction of road centerlines from
image sequences is considered as a problem of ‘‘shape from
image sequences.” The problem is to use road centerline
information available from successive images in a sequence and
road shape knowledge to update and refine a 3-D shape model
of road centerlines (see Figure 3). Thus optimized road