Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In: Wagner W„ Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
A., 2009. "Recent 
rie and Radiometric 
Л in EARSeL 6 
4 from stereo-images 
mples with VIR and 
; Sensing, vol. 4 (, no. 
1993. “Comparative 
ctral detectors,” IEEE 
A.M., and Stotts, L.B. 
and recognition in 
:ection and estimation 
6, 143-156 
A. Cabral*, M. Vasconcelos, D. Oom 
Tropical Research Institute, GeoDes, Travessa Conde da Ribeira, n°9, 1300 Lisboa, Portugal - 
(anaicabral70, maria.perestrelo, duarte.oom)@gmail.com 
KEY WORDS: Classification, High resolution, Land cover, Multitemporal, Huambo, Guinea-Bissau 
Land cover maps, derived from satellite data, are a valuable tool for various global research studies and are often used in multi 
temporal approaches to document the dynamics of processes such as agricultural expansion or deforestation. In this study we show 
how the observed land cover change tendencies diverge widely depending on the scale of observation and on the characteristics of 
the data sources used. For the analysis we compared land cover changes using two different scale map time-series in the period 1990 
- 2009. Two regions were selected, for which there are high resolution imagery and/or ground data available for validation and 
verification purposes: the entire country of Guinea-Bissau and the Huambo province in Angola. The first map time series consists of 
data available in international projects (IGBP, GLC2000, and MODIS) obtained from classification of 1 Km resolution imagery for 
three dates in the study period. The second map-set results from classification and validation of 30 meter resolution images (Landsat 
TM and ETM+), covering the same area in approximately the same dates. For the comparisons, the different map legends had to be 
aggregated into a common nomenclature to define five common classes: Forests, Savannas/Shrublands, Grasslands, Croplands/Bare 
soil and Wetland. The results show large discrepancies in the observed trends in agricultural areas. For example for both regions, the 
increase in agricultural land during the analyzed period, which is observed in high resolution maps and confirmed by validation and 
field knowledge, is lost in the coarse resolution maps. The deforestation rates reported by the coarse resolution maps are not verified 
when high resolution is employed. The consequences of these observations are discussed and future work proposed. 
In the last years, land cover mapping has become one of the 
most important sources of information for environmental 
studies. This type of information becomes even more relevant 
with the establishment of international agreements such as the 
Kyoto Protocol, the International Convention on Biological 
Diversity, and the framework Convention on Climate Change, 
all of which call for accurate reporting of environmental 
variables (McCallum et al., 2006). Having information about 
land cover status is essential, as a baseline, in order to evaluate 
future changes. Remote sensing data from several satellites 
allowed obtaining sufficiently accurate land cover mapping in a 
global scale, evenly in remote areas, and has been used to derive 
several global land cover maps, that are freely available for a 
variety of applications, and which are deemed sufficiently 
accurate for different project types. The use of these land cover 
maps has been very useful in modelling studies and corresponds 
to a great advance in earth system science. Since these maps are 
developed by different and independent national and 
international initiatives, they were prepared using different data 
sources, classification systems and methodologies, which are a 
reflection of the different mapping standards adopted and varied 
interests. As a consequence, each dataset has some advantages 
and limitations and it is important to fully understand their 
applicability bounds. One way to do it is by comparison among 
different data sets and scales of analysis. This approach helps to 
better grasp what data sets should be used for monitoring, 
compliance assessment, and trend analysis. Several efforts have 
been made in recent years to improve the comparability and 
compatibility between land cover datasets. GOFC-GOLD 
(Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics) in 
conjunction with FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) 
and GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observation System) developed a 
new Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) in order to 
obtain a land cover harmonization methodology (Herold et al., 
2008; Jung et al., 2006). The LCCS allows that land cover 
features be defined at any scale or level of detail, with an 
absolute level of standardization of class definitions between 
different users (Di Gregorio and Jensen, 2000). Several studies 
comparing two or more global land cover products were done at 
regional (Kalacska et al., 2008) to global scale, which show 
significant disagreements and reveal uncertainties (Giri et al., 
2005; Herold et al., 2008; McCallum et al., 2006). Therefore, a 
validation and a comparison of these global datasets are 
necessary before using them in global and regional studies. 
Different approaches are used to quantitatively estimate the 
accuracies of the global land cover classifications: confidence 
values of the classifier, comparison with other maps, cross- 
validation with training datasets and statistically robust spatial 
sampling and acquisition of ground reference information (Jung 
et al., 2006). The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to 
characterize land cover change, with a special focus on 
deforestation, in two approximately same size regions of Africa; 
(2) to assess the effect of using coarser resolution global land 
cover maps for producing the same information in the period of 
1990 - 2009. To achieve these goals two different map time 
series are used. The first map time-series results from 
classification and validation of 30 meter resolution images 
(Landsat TM and ETM+). The second consists of data available 
in international initiatives (IGBP, GLC2000 and MODIS). The 
analysis is performed for the entire country of Guinea-Bissau 
* Corresponding author. 

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