Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

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These are the proceedings of the ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium that was held on July 5-7, 2010, at the 
Vienna University of Technology, Austria. The proceedings consist of two parts: Part A collects all papers that were 
accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed full manuscripts; Part B contains papers which have been selected based on a 
review of the submitted abstracts. 
The topic of the symposium was “ 100 Years ISPRS - Advancing Remote Sensing Science” to celebrate the foundation 
of the International Society for Photogrammetry (ISP) on July 4, 1910, on the initiative by Prof. Eduard Dolezal. The 
Society changed its name to the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) in 1980, reflecting 
the increasing integration of the two disciplines. In our modem digital age, photogrammetry and remote sensing have 
virtually grown together, having as their common scope the extraction of reliable information from non-contact imaging 
and other sensor systems about the Earth and its environment through recording, measuring, analysing and representation. 
Given the particular occasion the themes of the symposium extended beyond the traditional realms of Commission 
VII (“Thematic Processing, Modelling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data”) by inviting contributions from the other 
ISPRS Commissions as well. Contributions that provided a comprehensive overview of the major research areas in 
remote sensing, highlighting past achievements and identifying challenges for the future, were particularly welcome. The 
conference topics were 
s for 
• Multi-spectral and hyperspectral remote sensing 
• Microwave remote sensing 
• Lidar and laser scanning 
• Geometric modelling 
• Physical modelling and signatures 
• Change detection and process modelling 
• Land cover classification 
• Image processing and pattern recognition 
• Data fusion and data assimilation 
• Earth observation programmes 
• Remote sensing applications 
• Operational remote sensing applications 
We would like to take this opportunity here to sincerely thank the reviewers of both the full-papers and the abstracts for 
their valuable time and expertise! Each paper within Part A was reviewed by at least two reviewers and revised according 
to their comments. Only 60% of the submitted full papers finally made it through this review process. Also each abstract 
was reviewed by two peers, most of them by even three of more peers. Without question, the reviewer’s effort was not 
in vain as it has helped to raise the quality of the papers and has allowed us to put together a high-quality technical 
Nevertheless, we also would like to add some self-criticism here. Within ISPRS the importance of a proper review 
process is broadly recognised. Also, more and more ISPRS colleagues rightfully request that all papers published in the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (such as those contained 
in the current volume) shall be covered by prominent indexing and abstracting databases. Yet, there is no standard ISPRS 
reviewing system, nor is there a professional editorial support and indexing service. Consequently, every organiser of an 
ISPRS workshop, symposium or congress needs to reinvent the wheel by building up his/her own system for reviewing 
and handling the scientific contributions and for producing the proceedings. Having never organised an event with more

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