Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

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Lilienthal, H., S. Haneklaus, E. Schnug, and E. Haveresch 
2000. Utilistation of hyperspectral data for the evaluation of the 
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precision viticulture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 
62(2), pp. 94-106. 
Moshou, D., C. Bravo, R. Oberti, J. West, L. Bodria, A. 
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Photogrammetry, Virginia, USA. 
Olesen, J. E., 1. N. Jorgensen, J. Petersen, and J. V. Mortensen 
2003. Effects of rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on disease 
control by fungicides in winter wheat. 1. Grain yield and foliar 
disease control. Journal of Agricultural Science 140, pp. 1-13. 
Penuelas, J., J. A. Gamón, A. L. Fredeen, J. Merino, and C. B. 
Field 1994. Reflectance indices associated with physiological 
changes in nitrogen- and water-limited sunflower leaves. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 48(2), pp. 135-146. 
Rodriguez, D., G. J. FitzgeraldB, R. BelfordC, and L. K. 
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from spectral reflectance indices and basic crop eco- 
physiological concepts. Australian Journal of Agricultural 
Research, 57, pp. 781-789. 
Smith, V. H„ G. D. Tilman, and J. C. Nekola 1999. 
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marine, and terrestrial ecosystems. Environmental Pollution, 
100(1-3), pp. 179-196. 
Strachan, I. B., E. Pattey, and J. B. Boisvert 2002. Impact of 
nitrogen and environmental conditions on com as detected by 
hyperspectral reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80, 
pp. 213-224. 
Tarpley, L., K. Reddy, and F. Sassenrath-Cole 2000. 
Reflectance indices with precision and accuracy in predicting 
cotton leaf nitrogen concentration. Crop Science, 40, pp. 1814- 
Tilling, A. K., G. J. O'Leary, J. G. Ferwerda, S. D. Jones, G. J. 
Fitzgerald, D. Rodriguez, and R. Belford 2007. Remote sensing 
of nitrogen and water stress in wheat. Field Crops Research, 
104(1-3), pp. 77-85. 
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Trotter, G. M., D. Whitehead, and E. J. Pinkney 2002. The 
photochemical reflectance index as a measure of photosynthetic 
light use efficiency for plants of varying foliar nitrogen 
contents. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(6), pp. 
Vellidis, G., M. Tucker, C. Perry, C. Kvien, and C. Bednarz 
2008. A real-time wireless smart sensor array for scheduling 
irrigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 61(1), pp. 
Wang, N., N. Zhang, and M. Wang 2006. Wireless sensors in 
agriculture and food industry—Recent development and future 
perspective. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 50(1), 
pp. 1-14. 
Wright Jr., D. L. 2003. Using Remote Sensing to Manage 
Wheat Grain Protein. NASA Earth Science Enterprise Earth 
Science Applications Directorate, Utah State University 
Affiliated Research Center, USA, URL: 
tions/NASAReports/Wheat02b.pdf Accessed on 23-4-2006. 
Zillmann, E., S. Graeff, J. Link, W. D. Batchelor, and W. 
Claupein 2006. Assessment of Cereal Nitrogen Requirements 
Derived by Optical On-the-Go Sensors on Heterogeneous Soils. 
Agron J, 98(3), pp. 682-690.

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