Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Ghulam et al, in 2007, suggested a robust drought index which 
takes into account both, the vegetation status and the soil 
moisture condition. Therefore, they represented a new index 
called MPDI which can be expressed as follows: 
flfled+ K fyy/fl ~ Fy(fiv,Red + a fyff/fl) 
(1 - f v )№TT 
(1 ~Fv) 
Where, R v ,R C d and Rv,nir are vegetation reflectances in the red 
and near infrared bands which in this study was considered 0.05 
and 0.5 respectively (Ghulam, 2007). F v is the percentage of 
vegetation cover which can be estimated using different 
methods such as neural networks (Carpenter 1999), linear 
spectral unmixing (Elmore 2000; Conghe 2005) and vegetation 
indices (Baret 1995). In the present research, a semi-empirical 
method presented by Baret in 1995, has been used which 
expressed as (Baret 1995): 
' W„-hJ 
Where, VI max and Vlmin are vegetation index for a surface with 
100% vegetation (F v =l) and bare soils (F v =0), respectively. The 
factor K is a constant value minimizing the estimation of RMSE 
which was considered 0.6175 in this study (Ghulam, 2007). The 
amount of vegetation index was calculated in this study based 
on the most commonly used indices; they are presented in Table 
Vegetation Index 
R sVr.123 
RVI = —^ 
Pearson & 
Miller. (1972) 
R nir + R R eo 
Rouse et al. 
„ f F NIR - a ^RED - a 
Vl + a* 
Richardson & 
Wiegand, (1977) 
SAVI = *»«-*“» (l+L) 
*\Vi£ + Fred + L 
Huete et al. 
^ a i R mR - g Preb ~ ß) 
Fred + - ß) 
Baret et al. 
Qi et al. (1994) 
wr + 1 “ <J + fT _ _ R&ed) 
SAVI 2 = P ' N!R 
Fred + ( a /P) 
Major et al. 
Rred, Rnir denotes reflectance in NIR and RED wavelengths 
a and (3 are the soil line coefficients 
Table 2. Vegetation indices Used in the study 
The results of run-test method indicated that a severe drought 
with the magnitude of -134.36, the intensity of -67.17, the 
severity of -121.98 and for the period of 2 years had occurred in 
2000 and 2001 (Table. 3). On the other hand, meteorological 
data showed that in April and May when the crops in the study 
area are at the peak of the growing season and need enough 
water, monthly rain fall had decreased considerably. Water 
shortage causes a decrease in the vegetation cover as well as in 
the seeding of crops. Consequently, the seed bank of the 
rangeland would be decreased which will result in diminishing 
of the F v in the following year (Jangjoo, 2001). Although in 
2002, compared to previous years, the rainfall increased 
considerably (Table 1) it did not affect the percentage of 
vegetation cover due to the seed shortage in the rangeland. 
Annual rainfall 
Table 3. Drought status in the studying years 
Changes in the vegetation cover (F v ) of the study area during 
the time period of 1999 to 2002 has been evaluated using the 
commonly used vegetation indices (Table. 2) and the equation 
4. Among the indices used, only SAVI2 showed the F v had 
decreased except in high-land areas where vegetation had no 
visible changes (Figure 2). In the high-land areas, there is a 
certain supply of snow until the end of the vegetation growing 
season and it provides enough water for the vegetation. 
Consequently, F v did not change in these areas. 
Figure 2. Fraction of vegetation changes (Using SAVI2 and 
Equation 4) 
The study area, since is located in the arid areas of Iran, has 
sparse vegetation cover and the soil background has a 
noticeable effect on the recorded reflectance by the sensor. 
Therefore, RVI and NDVI which are only based on the Red and 
NIR reflectance are not appropriate indices for assessing 
vegetation in the arid areas. The results of using these two 
indices in the current study confirmed this fact and presented 
vegetation changes as mixed pixels (Figure 3).

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