Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Figure 8. edge accordance of fused images whit panchromatic 
4.2.2 Spectral Quality Assessment: In Figure 9, the original 
panchromatic image has a low correlation with the original 
multispectral image. The correlation between the fusion result 
and multispectral image are much greater than the correlation 
between the panchromatic 
image and multispectral image. The highest correlation 
coefficient is wavelet, therefore According to this quantitative 
analysis, wavelet is the best that means preserve the spectral 
characteristics of the source multi-spectral image, 
figure 10 shows the spectral discrepancies between the images 
obtained by different fusion algorithms and the source 
multispectral image. It clearly indicates that the discrepancy of 
wavelet is the minimum, and discrepancies of Modified IHS is 
the further minimum. So wavelet is the best method in retaining 
spectral property of the original image among the five used 
methods and Modified IHS takes second place. 
Figure 11 shows the RMSE of MS and fused images. It clearly 
indicates that the RMSE of wavelet is the minimum, and RMSE 
of Modified IHS is the second minimum. 
Figure 12 shows that The MPPD of PC-fused image is the 
highest in the five algorithms, wavelet is the minimum. 
According to the RMSE and MPPD, we can see that the 
wavelet-fused image has the maximal relativity with MS image. 
So wavelet is the best method in retaining spectral property of 
the original image among the five used methods, and Modified 
IHS takes second place. 
0.8 -- 
0.6 - 
0.4 -- 
0.2 - 
_ rw r |_| 1 
Pan S.IHS Mod.IHS PC Brovey Wavelet 
1 Band R(NIR) 
0.354 0.468 0.551 0.657 0.616 0.919 
9 Band G(R) 
0.55 0.598 0.665 0.605 0.672 0.951 
■ Band B(G) 
0.593 0.649 0.637 0.682 0.665 0.933 
Figure 9. Correlation coefficient between the original 
multispectral image and fusion results 
Figure 10. Spectral discrepancies between the the original 
multispectral image and fusion results 
Figure 11. RMSE between the the original multispectral image 
and fusion results 
Figure 12. MPPD of the fused images. 
Finally, from the above analysis and comparison, we can 
conclude that Modified IHS algorithm can preserve the spectral 
characteristics of the source multispectral image as well as the 
high spatial resolution characteristics of the source 
panchromatic image and suited for fusion of IRS P5 and P6 
In PC and Standard IHS image fusion, dominant spatial 
information and weak colour information is an often problem, 
Therefore are suited for visual interpretation, image mapping, 
and photogrammetric purposes. 

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