Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., Huhdanpaa, H.T., 1996. The 
Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls. ACM Trans, on 
Mathematical Software, 22(4), pp. 469-483. 
Berg, M.D., Kreveld, M.V., Overmars, M., Schwarzkopf, O., 
1997. Computational Geometry - Algorithms and Applications. 
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 233-244. 
Cici, A., Kevin, T., Nicholas, J. T., Sarah, S., Jörg, K., 2008. 
Extraction of vegetation for topographic mapping from full- 
waveform airborne laser scanning data. In: Proc. of SilviLaser 
2008, 17-19 Sept., Edinburgh, U.K., pp. 343-353. 
Doo-Ahn, K., Woo-Kyun, L., Hyun-Kook, C., 2008. Estimation 
of effective plant area index using LiDAR data in forest of 
South Korea. In: Proc. of SilviLaser 2008, 17-19 Sept., 
Edinburgh, U.K., pp. 237-246. 
Gupta, S., Weinacker, H., Koch, B., 2010. Comparative analysis 
of clustering-based approaches for 3-d single tree detection 
using airborne fullwave lidar data. Remote Sensing, 2(4), pp. 
Hyyppä, J., Inkinen, M., 1999. Detecting and estimating 
attributes for single trees using laser scanner. The 
Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, 16, pp. 27-42. 
Hyyppä, J., Yu, X., Hyyppä, H., Maltamo, M., 2006. Methods 
of airborne laser scanning for forest information extraction. In: 
Proc. of International Workshop on 3D Remote Sensing in 
Forestry, 14-15 Feb., Vienna, Austria, pp. 63-78. 
Ko, C., Sohn G., Remmel, T. K., 2009. Classification for 
deciduous and coniferous trees using airborne LiDAR and 
internal structure reconstructions. In: Proc. of SilviLaser 2009, 
14-16 Oct., Texas, USA, pp. 36-45. 
Kom-Allen, E„ V.D. Goltz, H„ Blust, M„ Nothdurpt, A., 2004. 
Verfahrenshandbuch betrieb, Sinventur. - version 1.1., 
Landesforstverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, Germany. 
Morsdorf, F., Meier, E., Allgöwer, B., Nüesch, D., 2003. 
Clustering in airborne laser scanning raw data for segmentation 
of single trees. In: The International Archives of the 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, 8-10 Oct., Dresden, Germany, Vol. XXXIV, part 
3/W13, pp. 27-33. 
Morsdorf, F., Meier, E., Kötz, B., Itten, K.I., 2004. Lidar based 
geometric reconstruction of boreal type forest stands at single 
tree level for forest and wildland fire management. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 92(3), pp. 353-362. 
Nilsson, M., 1996. Estimation of tree heights and stand volume 
using an airborne lidar system. Remote Sensing of Environment, 
56(1), pp. 1-7. 
0rka, H, O., Naesset, E., Bollandsäs, O, M., 2009. Comparing 
classification strategies for tree species recognition using 
airborne laser scanner data. In: Proc. of SilviLaser 2009, 14-16 
Oct., Texas, USA, pp. 46-53. 
O'Rourke, J., 1994. Computational Geometry in C, Cambridge 
University Press, 2nd edn,.New York. 
Persson, Ä., Holmgren, J., Söderman, U., 2002. Detecting and 
measuring individual trees using an airborne laser scanner. 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 68, pp 
Persson, Ä., Holmgren, J., Söderman, U., 2006. Identification 
of tree species of individual trees by combining very high 
resolution laser data with multi-spectral images. In: Proc. of 
International Workshop on 3D Remote Sensing in Forestry, 14- 
15 February, Vienna, Austria, pp. 91-96. 
Pyysalo, U., Hyyppä, H., 2002. Reconstructing tree crowns 
from laser scanner data for feature extraction. In: Proc. of the 
ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium for 
Photogrammetric Computer Vision, 9-13 September, Graz, 
Austria, Vol. XXXIV, part 3A/B, pp. 293-296. 
Reitberger, J., Krzystek, P., Stilla, U., 2008. Analysis of full 
waveform LIDAR data for the classification of deciduous and 
coniferous trees. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 
29(5), pp. 1407-1431. 
Riano, D., Chuvieco, E., Condes, S., Gonzäles-Matesanz, J., 
Ustin, S., 2004. Generation of crown bulk density for Pinus 
sylvestris L. from lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment, 92(3), 
pp. 345-352. 
Straub, C., Deed, M., Weinacker, H., Koch, B., 2009. Using 
airborne laser scanner data and CIR orthophotos to estimate the 
stem volume of forest stands. Photogrammetrie - 
Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, Vol. 2009, 3, pp. 277-287. 
Vauhkonen, J., Tokola, T., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M. 2009. 
Identification of Scandinavian commercial species of individual 
trees from airborne laser scanning data using alpha shape 
metrics. Forest Science, 55(1), pp. 37-47. 
Wang, Y., Weinacker, H., Koch, B., Sterenczak, K., 2008. Lidar 
point cloud based fully automatic 3d single tree modelling in 
forest and evaluations of the procedure. In: The International 
Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial 
Information Sciences, 3-11 July Beijing, China, Vol. XXXVII, 
part B6b, pp. 45-52. 
Weinacker, H., Koch, B., Heyder, U.. Weiancker, R., 2004. 
Development of filtering, segmentation and modelling modules 
for lidar and multispectral data as a fundament of an automatic 
forest inventory system. In: Proc. of ISPRS working group on 
Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment, 3-6 Oct., 
Freiburg, Germany, Vol. XXXVI, part 8/W2. 
Landesgraduiertenforderungsgesetz (LGFG) Commission, 
Baden-Württemberg, Germany is acknowledged by the author 
for providing financial support during the research work within 
the framework of doctoral scholarship program. The authors 
would like to thank the Forest Research Institute of Baden- 
Württemberg (FVA) for providing the reference data for the 
study area. The authors also acknowledges his gratitude to his 
fellow colleagues Christoph and Johannes who have further 
conducted the field work for plot establishment in the test sites 
to get more forest parameters.

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