In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
Xueyan He, Timo Balz*, Lu Zhang, Mingsheng Liao
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, China
Luoyu Road 129, 430079 Wuhan
Commission VII
KEY WORDS: Radar, SAR, Stereo, Radargrammetry, TerraSAR-X
Stereo radargrammetry is a mature technique for deriving height information from SAR image pairs. Because stereo radargrammetry
is less sensible to temporal decorrelation, it can provide better results than interferometric SAR in certain situations. Using
TerraSAR-X stripmap stereo pairs, digital surface models (DSM) with good height accuracy can be generated. We use SRTM data as
our initial DEM and a pyramid layer based approach for our radargrammetric processing. Our results are relative noisy with a high
error standard deviation. Nevertheless, with a mean overall error of less than 3 m in height the final DSM is quite precise.
There are various ways for creating digital elevation models
(DEM) from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. The most
common technique is SAR interferometry (InSAR). InSAR uses
the phase difference between the backscattered signals received
at slightly different positions. From the phase differences the
height of the backscattering object can be determined. InSAR is
a very precise technique, but especially spacebome InSAR suf
fers from errors caused by the atmosphere. The repeat pass in
terferometry, which is commonly used with today’s sensors, as
we are waiting for the TanDEM-X data, is very sensitive to
temporal decorrelation. In repeat pass InSAR the time between
two data acquisitions is rather large, for example 11 days for
TerraSAR-X. In this time the situation on the ground can
change, especially over vegetated areas, and the data decorre
This massively influences the usability of InSAR over strongly
vegetated areas. Our test area around Kuala Kangsar in Malay
sia is a strongly vegetated and mountainous area. The nearby
mountains reach up to 1500 m, while Kuala Kangsar resides at
around 40 m height. Under these conditions, repeat pass InSAR
with TerraSAR-X does not provide good results. Most of the
scene is strongly decorrelated.
But InSAR is not the only method of creating DEMs from SAR
data. Stereo radargrammetry (Stereo SAR) is far less affected by
the atmosphere and by temporal decorrelation. StereoSAR is
therefore, although in general less precise than InSAR, more
suitable for this area.
StereoSAR with TerraSAR-X can deliver quite precise results
(Raggam et al. 2010). In our approach we use the rational poly
nomial coefficient (RPC) model (Tao & Hu 2001) for the calcu
lation of the 3D geo-coordinates of detected homologous points.
In Section 2, the approach for StereoSAR with high-resolution
TerraSAR-X data is explained. In Section 3, we describe the
usage of the RPC model for stereo radargrammetry. Our expe
rimental results are shown in Section 4 and finally conclusions
are drawn.
* corresponding author
Comparable to InSAR, StereoSAR needs at least two images.
But the images need to have a rather large acquisition angle dif
ference. To use StereoSAR with spacebome systems, the sys
tems must be able to acquire data under different incidence an
gles. Before the launch of the new generation of high-resolution
SAR satellites, Radarsat data was used for StereoSAR (e.g.
Toutin 2000). The new satellite generation is also capable of
acquiring data to be used for StereoSAR and in our experiments
we used a pair of TerraSAR-X stripmap data. StereoSAR can be
acquired in a same-side or opposite-side configuration. In the
following we always assume a same-side configuration. In a
same-side configuration the images are acquired from parallel
tracks under different incident angles.
The geometry of a SAR image is different in range and in azi
muth direction. In azimuth direction the location of an object in
a SAR image depends on the Doppler Effect and is typically
precise if the object is not moving. In range direction the loca
tion of an object in a SAR image depends on the distance be
tween the object and the sensor. When an object is seen from
different angles, this, so called, relief displacements will be dif
ferent on each SAR image. The resulting difference between the
image coordinates of homologous points in a stereo pair is
called parallax (Leberl 1990).