Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W„ Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
But in fact, these flat areas are less correlated, because they are 
covered by uniform vegetation and not many structural elements 
can be found. 
Figure 8 shows the overlay of the correlation image and the am 
plitude image at the north-western mountain subset shown in 
Figure 7. The higher correlation values are painted in darker 
color, which is opposite to the color code used in Figure 6 and 
Figure 7, but this allows for a more meaningful visualization. 
The lakes at the left side and at the top are obviously highly cor 
related and are shown in a very dark green. The picture also in 
dicates that the mountain sides facing the sensor (towards the 
left side of the image) have low correlation values due to the 
layover effect. The mountain sides facing in far-range direction 
(towards the right side of the image) have higher correlation 
values. We can see this also when analyzing the no-data-areas 
of the Pixel Factory™ DSMs in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The 
large no-data-areas are located in near-range of a mountain. 
Figure 8. Overlay of correlation image and amplitude image 
the two-dimensional normalized correlation delivers the best re 
sults for our dataset. 
The RPC based geo-coding improved our processing speed and 
the overall geo-accuracy of our DSM. Still, the DSM created by 
Infoterra’s Pixel Factory is more precise and less noisy. There is 
therefore still a lot of room for improvement. 
The authors thank the Infoterra GmbH for providing the test da 
ta and the reference data. The work was supported by the Re 
search Fellowship for International Young Scientists of the Na 
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 
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Figure 9. 3D model of the DSM 
Stereo radargrammetry with TerraSAR-X can provide precise 
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