In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
the combined class cropland/grassland. The results reported in
(Rengers & Prinz, 2009) and (Busch et al., 2004) show that a
purely textural analysis is not sufficient for separating cropland
and grassland. Spectral and / or structural information is
required for that purpose.
Haralick et al. (1973) used textural features derived from the
grey level co-occurence matrix such as energy, contrast,
correlation and entropy are used along with the mean and
standard deviation of the gray values of all four available
channels to classify coastline, forest, grassland, urban areas and
irrigated and non-irrigated cropland using a linear discriminant
function method. By combining a textural analysis with the
spectral features the classification accuracy could be improved
over a purely radiometric analysis. More recently, Itzerott and
Kaden (2007) tried to distinguish various types of farmland
using solely the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index
(NDVI) that is computed from the near infrared and the red
bands of a multispectral image. Analysing typical crops and
grassland in Germany, they could show that grassland possesses
an NDVI that is significantly larger than zero in all seasons,
whereas untilled cropland has a very low NDVI except for a
short period. However, they observed strong regional and
temporal variations of the NDVI, so that statistical parameters
describing the NDVI of the different agricultural classes in one
region are hard to transfer to other regions. Training with a
multitemporal dataset within a large area would be necessary.
Hall et al. (2003) use the NDVI to separate vines and bare soil
in aerial images with a spatial resolution of 0.25 m. Afterwards,
the orientation of the rows is calculated using a priori
knowledge about the distances between the rows and between
the individual plants within a row. However, such a priori
knowledge is usually not available for cropland objects.
Structural features have been used frequently to distinguish
agricultural object classes such as vineyards, orchards, or
plantations. The structural characteristics exploited for the
extraction of these objects, namely straight parallel lines, also
occur in cropland, where they are caused by tilling. However,
some assumptions usually made in the extraction of vineyards
or orchards cannot usually be made for cropland. For instance,
Chanussot et al. (2005) estimate the orientation of vineyard
rows automatically from aerial images by using the Fourier
spectrum of an image and its Radon transform. Wassenaar et al.
(2002) detect orchards and different kinds of vineyards in aerial
images using a Fast Fourier Transformation, using specific
knowledge about the distances between vine rows to reduce the
search space in the frequency domain. Delenne et al. (2008) use
a frequency analysis based on Gabor filters to estimate the row
width and orientation and to detect the boundaries of vineyards.
All these methods assume the rows of vines to be approximately
equally spaced or even utilize knowledge about the actual
spacing of these rows. Both assumptions cannot be made for
cropland. In cropland the distance between furrows can vary
from one field to the next depending on the type of crop planted
in the field, on the kind of machine used for tilling, and on the
visibility of the structures in the image.
Trias-Sanz (2006) uses only structural features to discriminate
objects with similar radiometric and textural properties, namely
cropland, forest, orchards, and vineyards. These object classes
can be distinguished only by orientation characteristics. A small
window is extracted randomly inside an object to be classified,
and this window (called texton) is used to compute a variogram
of the image. A histogram of direction angles is derived from
the Radon transform of the variogram. The maximum of this
histogram corresponds to the primary direction of edges in the
image, and it is used in the classification process. The approach
can be used to discriminate a large number of object classes by
properly choosing the texton, but can give wrong results if the
texton size is selected inappropriately. Another disadvantage of
this approach is that the cultivation structures and field crop
have to be homogeneous in appearance. Therefore, LeBris and
Boldo (2007) use a segmentation to extract homogenous
regions before applying the algorithm of Trias-Sanz (2006).
A differentiation between agricultural classes such as grassland
and cropland only on the basis of spectral, structural or textural
features in monotemporal imagery seems to be impossible. An
approach which combines these features is introduced by Ruiz
et al., (2004, 2007) and Recio et al. (2006). Besides spectral
(mean and deviation of the red, infrared and NDVI channel) and
textural features determined from the grey level co-occurrence
matrix (Ruiz et al., 2004), structural features determined from a
semi-variogram, Hough- and Fourier transformation (Ruiz et
al., 2007) are used to detect olive trees, citrus orchards, forests
and shrubs using images of 0.50 m spatial resolution. The final
decision is based on a decision tree (Recio et al., 2006). In
addition to the features described so far, information about the
shape of the object can be use for the classification process.
Such information can be derived e.g. from a given GIS.
Hermosilla et al. (2010) extend the approach of Ruiz et al.
(2007) by using object shape as an additional feature to
distinguish the classes building, forest, greenhouse, shrub lands,
arable land and vineyard. Whereas this could improve the
classification accuracy, it resulted in an increase of the number
of undetected errors in a GIS to be verified by that approach.
Our method differs from the cited approaches by the way the
textural analysis is carried out and by the definition of the
structural, spectral and textural features. Furthermore, we use a
different method for classification. The fact that our approach is
embedded in a system for the verification of GIS objects has
some implications for the strategy used for classification. The
parameters of the method have to be tuned according to the
quality requirements of the GIS: an undetected false
classification in the GIS is penalized higher than a correct
classification erroneously highlighted as false.
3.1 Overview
The goal of our approach is the separation and verification of
cropland and grassland GIS objects using 1 m orthorectified and
pan-sharpened multispectral IKONOS images. In this paper we
assume that each ATKIS GIS object corresponds to exactly one
class. The verification process is carried out separately for each
GIS object. The object’s boundary polygon given by the GIS is
used to limit the analysis to areas inside the object. In a first
step we use a supervised classification technique that analyses
image texture with the help of Markov Random Fields (Muller,
2007, Busch et al., 2004) to distinguish the combined class
‘agriculture’, which comprises both cropland and grassland
objects, from other classes such as ‘settlement’, ‘industry’ or
‘forest’. If a cropland or grassland object is classified as
belonging to any other class than ‘agriculture’, it is considered
to correspond to an error in the GIS. As the algorithm of Busch
et al. (2004) cannot differentiate between grassland and
cropland objects, all the other objects (i.e., those passing the
first classification stage) are passed on to a second classification
process designed to discriminate grassland and cropland. The
second classification and the following verification process is
the main focus of this paper.