In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
The edge detector is based on applying a threshold to the
minimum curvature in direction perpendicular to the direction
of maximum curvature in a certain window (e.g. 7x7 cells), i.e.
curvature<0.0 for concave areas (cf. Fig. 3c), and skeletonizing
the potential edge areas to reach a final edge map. These edges
correspond to the segment boundaries between adjacent objects.
By combining the edge map with areas fulfilling height (e.g.
>1.0 m; Fig. 3a) and ER threshold (e.g. >5%; Fig. 3b), the final
segment raster is derived. In order to derive the segment
polygons, a connected component labeling and vectorization of
the connected region boundaries are applied (Fig. 3d).
segment features could be obtained for each segment with 53
point cloud based values.
Echo width [ns]: Mean of first echoes
transp. roofs
building edges
temporary booths
Amplitude [DN]: Mean of first echoes
m 0 000000- 17 746000
« 17.746000 - 22.915000
Id 22 916000 - 31.154000
« 31.154000 -41 359000
I« 41 359000 - 9697 000000
Figure 3. Input layers for segmentation of convex regions in
the nDSM having high transparency (i.e. echo ratio)
3.3 Segment feature calculation
For classification of the derived segments the available segment
features (i.e. attributes attached to the segment polygons) are
essential. In this step an extensive segment feature database is
generated, considering segment features based on the point
cloud, segment geometry and topology (Fig. 4). The derived
features are attached to the attribute table of the GIS polygon
layer. By Point-in-Polygon-Test the point attributes (normalized
height, amplitude, echo width) stratified by laser echo classes
(all, first, multi echoes = first and intermediate, last and single)
are aggregated (number of echoes, min., mean, max., standard
deviation) per point attribute and segment. In this aggregation
step the laser echoes are filtered by the minimum vegetation
height value of 1 m above ground, in order to exclude the
terrain signature from the segment statistics, except the
descriptive statistics for the "all" echo class. Additionally, the
number of points falling within a potential height interval for
tree stems (i.e. between 1.0 m and 2.5 m) are counted per
segment. Furthermore, the ER on segment basis is derived
(Eq. 1), and the percentage of points below the minimum
vegetation height (i.e. 1.0 m) and above are attached. To
include surface information, the statistics of the nDSM cell
values are also calculated per segment (e.g. mean nDSM
height). Based on segment polygon geometry i) area, ii)
perimeter, iii) compactness (perimeter / (2 * sqrt(7t * area)) are
derived. Due to the topological vector data model in GRASS
GIS, topological information can easily be assessed and
attached to the segments: i) number of adjacent polygons and ii)
percentage of boundary shared with neighbors. All together 66
Figure 4. Segments colored by mean echo width (top) and
signal amplitude (bottom) of all first echoes within a segment.
Non-vegetation segments can clearly be identified by low echo
widths and higher amplitudes
3.4 Classification
Exploratory data analysis was performed, in order to set-up a
rule-base for supervised classification. A logical rule base for
classification was developed, which in a first step aims at
separating vegetation from non-vegetation segments. Tree
positions from the reference map are included in the
classification process. Final classes and classification hierarchy
are shown in Fig. 5. The GIS environment easily allows to
perform the final classification using SQL statements in the
attribute database.
Figure 5. Classification scheme including reference tree
positions. Target classes are numbered from 1 to 7.