In: Wagner W„ Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 7B
Figure 6. Shading of the standard deviation of the detrended terrain echoes (dz < 1.0 m overlaid with pictures from different features.
This indicates that varying footprint sizes of single and multiple
echoes have a negligible influence on the terrain roughness
parameterization. For the young forest subarea (see Fig. 1,
region 1) the correlation coefficients increases e.g. to 0.68 for
echoes with dz<0.25 m. For all other subareas (see Fig. 1,
region 2-4) the correlation coefficients decrease. However, as a
decrease was not expected further statistics were calculated. For
the grassland subarea the standard deviation of the mean echo
width is 0.03 ns and for the old forest stand subarea the standard
deviation is 0.02 ns. Also the standard deviation of the mean
standard deviation per raster cell of detrended terrain points are
small and are in the range of 0.4 to 1.9 centimeters. This means
that there is only a constant shift between the two roughness
layers. Furthermore, this indicates very homogeneous and
smooth surfaces, which corresponds to the information derived
during the field check. Moreover, this small standard deviations
can be interpreted as measurement noise of the used FWF-ALS
system. Even in the densely forested areas with FWF-ALS it is
possible to acquire a sufficient amount of elevation
measurements of the forest terrain surface. As shown in Fig. 6
areas indicated by high roughness values are mainly covered by
low vegetation (e.g. bushes) or exhibit a very dense distribution
of tree stems, which also account for terrain roughness as
defined in this study. High roughness values are also available
at the borders of forest roads and tracks where commonly
discontinuities (e.g. breaklines) are available. The results let
assume that FWF-ALS echo width values are able to identify
areas with high terrain roughness without the need of a highly
detailed geometrical representation of the ground surface by
acquiring very dense point clouds. However, there are still
some uncertainties by using the echo width for terrain
roughness parameterization. While pulse width estimates are
relatively stable at high amplitudes, there is significant
scattering at low amplitudes (Lin and Mills, 2010; Miicke,
2008; Wagner et al., 2006). This needs to be taken into account
in future studies. Furthermore, the comparison of the derived
roughness layers has shown that small (i.e. in relation to the
footprint size) terrain surface discontinuities i.e. breaklines
which are not covered with vegetation or stems lying on the
terrain are better represented in the geometry-based roughness
layer than in the mean echo width (Fig. 7). This can be
explained by the small laser footprints, and therefore, by the
fact that within the small illuminated area only little vertical
variations are available.
In addition to the 3D-coordiantes, FWF-ALS delivers laser
point attributes (e.g. signal amplitude, echo width) providing
further quantities to characterize Earth surface properties. The
presented analyses have shown that the FWF-ALS echo width
derived roughness layer indicates areas with high roughness
similarly to the geometric definition using very high laser point
densities. Concluding the echo width can be used as a terrain
roughness parameter even with low terrain point densities
compared to the geometry-based computation.