Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

S, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
dines corridor, Detecting 
about a disaster on the 
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including Context Aware 
lent. In section 1, it gives 
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3, and 4 respectively. 
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According to (Ranking 2006; Re-published from the CIA 
World Factbook By Photius Coutsoukis 2009) the properties of 
the pipeline corridor context are reporting as follows. Briefly, 
pipeline facilities show that two million and twenty thousand 
kilometer (2,020,000 km) pipelines are distributing petroleum 
to consumers around the world. In Europe, Germany has 
33.000 km, Ukraine 29,000 km, France 23,000 km and Italy 
19.000 km of pipeline. These countries have the largest 
pipeline length after Russia with 243,000 km. European 
countries account for 1/10 of the total length of the world’s 
pipeline network, while the United States of America has 
800.000 km of pipelines, which is equivalent to 2/5 of the total 
length of the world’s pipelines. It is an arguable that the 
pipeline infrastructure is influenced by the environmental, 
social and technical objectives and accordingly, some residual 
impact and risks are inevitable. 
According to the ASME (American Society of Mechanical 
Engineers), (American Petroleum Institute’s Pipeline 
Committee 2003) the annual report of third party damage that is 
caused by excavation, farming or other diggings activities is 
responsible for 41% of the damage from 1996 to 2000 as it 
shows in figure 1. The importance of the damage can be graded 
as follows: first, damaged by third party second, corrosion and 
third is equipment malfunction. The pattern of the ROW in a 
Geo-information map is a "buffer line". 
A World Petrolium Pipeline Length 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
■ Intrusion 0 Corrosion ■ Malfunction 
Figure 1. Damage is graded from 1996 to 2000 
Figure 2 depicts the space which is allocated to operational 
activity, and includes a safe zone for a pipeline corridor. It aims 
to protect ROW from any intrusion(Enbridge Pipeline 2005 ). 
But knowing how to identify the threat and determining what 
action ought to take in order to prevent it happening again is a 
key component of ensuring on-going safety. 
In the case of protecting approaches, The Oil Pipeline 
Transportation and beneficiary companies are interested to 
protect the transportation networks effectively by warn about 
intrusion. Usually, the damage is caused by other sectors. It is 
quite obvious, a safe operation and supervision of petroleum 
pipeline transportation follows a different policy from country 
to country or even a different Pipeline’s Profile (geo-location) 2 . 
2 - Pipeline network like river not place in certain area, thus 
geographical function assign to each point of ROW. It 
means ROW has nature of interest from point to point. 
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igure 2. Right of Way Includes Area of Safety 
Although the most widely used method for monitoring a 
pipeline network is Patrol, the other advanced application of 
remote sensing is also concerned. With reference to the need an 
application for real time monitoring of the moving object over 
pipeline network, space-bome and earth observation is not 
feasible with existing satellite. For that reason, there is no 
online warning about disturbance against ROW. 
1.1 Established methods for monitoring 
Figure 3 illustrates two widespread monitoring methods. 
Type A shows patrol, a legacy monitoring method uses small 
airplane, helicopter or car in order to trace disturbance along 
the ROW. Each geographical direction has its own schedule to 
pursue from place to place. Difficulties to access mountainous 
locations, involving in a costly interval of data acquisition to 
find out what happens along the pipeline are turned into its 
Type A 
Right Of Way—>' j— 
Right Of Way- 
Type В 
A: Monitoring in a traditional manner 
B: Airborne and Satellite based Remote Sensing 
Figure 3. The Apprehensive Monitoring Techniques 
Type B depicts the monitoring of pipeline corridor by new 
technology. Data and images have been provided by the 
installed scanners on the space and airborne platforms. The 
gathered images and data pass through the process of 
Automated Classification, Noise Removal, Layer Extraction, 
Automated Filtering followed by Georeferences and 
Calibration of Geocoordinate System. Final processing steps 
are Data Reprocessing and Quality-' Control. Therefore 
outcome help decision makers to warn about intrusions. 
Obviously, processing the immense number of continuous 
images and data makes operation too costly for the value. For 
this reason, high performance computer stations and GIS 
professional staff, enlisting the highly experienced people, 
special software and hardware would be involved to operate 
under Type B. Furthermore, a discussion of inadequacies in the 
current monitoring methods and present appropriate technique 
results from reply to impediment. Does ROW really need to

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