Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Goldstein R., 1995. Atmospheric limitations to repeat-pass 
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Hanssen R., 1998. “Assessment of the role of atmospheric 
heterogeneities in ERS tandem SAR interferometry,” DEOS 
Report 12 698.1, Delft Univ., Delft, The Netherlands. 
Hanssen R., 2001.Radar Interferometry. Data Interpretation and 
Error Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The 
He Q.C., Fang Z.L., Li Z.M., Liu W.B.,2006.Monitoring land 
subsidence in Cangzhou region using InSAR technology, Earth 
Science Frontiers,2006 ,13( 1): 179-184. 
Hong S., Wdowinski S., Kim S.W., Amelung F. and Dixon T. 
H., 2008. Small temporal baseline subset (STBAS): A NEW 
IGARSS2008, III, pp. 550-553. 
Huang Q.H., He X.F., 2008. Surface deformation investigated 
with SBAS-DInSAR approach based on prior knowledge, 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 
VoLXXXVII, Part Bl, Beijing. 
Jarosz A., Wanke D., 2004. Use of InSAR for monitoring of 
mining deformation[EB/OL]. http:// earth.esa.int /workshop / 
fringes 03 /day2 . 
Ji L.Y., Liu R.C., Yang C.S.,2009.Engineering of surveying and 
mapping, Vol. 18, No.2:5-8. 
Jiang L.M., Lin H., 2009. Joint analysis of SAR interferometric 
and geological data for investgating long-term reclamation 
settlement of Chep Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong, Engeering 
Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.11.005. 
Kampes, B., Adam, N., 2005. The STUN Algorithm for 
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Proceedings of FRINGE 
2005 Workshop. 
Li, Z., 2005a. Correction of atmospheric water vapour effects 
on repeat pass SAR interferometry using GPS, MODIS and 
MERIS data, Ph.D. thesis, University College London, London. 
Li, Z., J. Muller, P. Cross, and E. J. Fielding, 2005b. 
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) atmospheric 
correction: GPS, Moderate Resolution Imaging 
Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and InSAR integration, J. 
Geophys. Res., 110, B03410, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003446. 
Lundgren P., Usai S., Sansosti E., Lanari R., Tesauro M., 
Fomaro G., and Berardino P., 2001. Modeling surface 
deformation observed with SAR interferometry at Campi 
Flegrei Caldera, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 106, pp. 19355-19367. 
Massonnet D., Rossi M., Carmona C., et al., 1993. The 
displacement field of the landers earthquake mapped by radar 
interferometry, Nature, vol. 364, pp. 138-142, July 8. 
Massonnet D., Amaud A., 1995. Deflation of Mount Etna 
monitored by space radar interferometry, Nature, vol. 375, pp. 
Massonnet D., Feigl K.L., 1998. Radar interferometry and its 
applicationto changes in the Earth’s surface, Rev. Geophys. 
Monti G. A., Prati C„ 2000. ERS-ENVISAT Combination for 
Interferometry and Super-resolution, ERSENVISAT 
Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20. 
Lanari , R., Mora , O., Manunta, M. , et ah, 2004. A small- 
baseline approach for investigating deformations on full 
resolution differential SAR interferograms [J], IEEE Trans. 
Geosci. Remote Sensing, 42 (7): 1377-1386. 
Mora O., Mallorqui J. J., Duro J., and Broquetas A., 2001. 
Long-term subsidence monitoring of urban areas using 
differential interferometric SAR techniques, in Proc. IGARSS, 
vol. 3, Sydney, Australia, pp.l 104-1106. 
Mora O., Lanari R., Mallorqui J.J., Berardino P., and Sansosti 
E., 2002. A new algorithm for monitoring localized deformation 
phenomena based on small baseline differential SAR 
interferograms. Proc. IGARSS, Toronto, ON, Canada, 1237- 
Mora O., Mallorqui J.J., and Broquetas A., 2003. Linear and 
nonlinear terrain deformation maps from a reduced set of 
interferometric SAR images, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote 
Sensing, vol. 41, pp. 2243-2253. 
Mallorqui J. J., Blanco P., Sanz-Marcos J., Duque S., and 
Navarrete D., 2005. Application of the coherent pixels 
technique (CPT) to large ERS and ENVISAT SAR images for 
deformation series retrieval, in Proc. FRINGE, Frascati, Italy, 
Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 
Pepe, A., Sansosti, E., Berardino, P.,2005. On the generation of 
ERS/ ENVISAT DInSAR time2series via the SBAS 
technique[J ] . IEEE Geosci. and Remote Sensing Letters , 2 
(3): 265 269. 
Perski Z., 1998. Applicability of ERS-1 and ERS-2 InSAR for 
Land Subsidence Monitoring in the Silesian Coal Mining 
Region, Poland [J]. International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing , 32 (7):555-558. 
Prati, C., Ferretti, A., Perissin, D., 2008.Recent Advances on 
Surface Ground deformation measurement by means of repeated 
space-borne SAR observations, Journal of Geodynamics, 
doi: 10.1016/jjog.2009.10.011. 
Raucoules, D., Maisons, C., Camec, C., Le Mouelic, S., King, 
C., Hosford, S., 2003. Monitoring of slow ground deformation 
by ERS radar interferometry on the Vauvert salt mine (France), 
Comparison with ground-based measurement. Remote Sensing 
of Environment 88, 468^178. 
Rosen P.A., Hensley S., Joughin I.R., Li F.K., Madsen S.N., 
Rodriguez E., Goldstein R.M., 2000. Synthetic Aperture Radar 
Interferometry, Proc. IEEE 88 (2000) 333-376. 
Rocca F., 2007. Modeling Interferogram Stacks”, IEEE Trans. 
Geosci. Rem.Sens, in Vol. 45, Issue 10, pp. 3289-3299. 
Strozzi T., Tosi L., Carbognin L. et ah, 1999. Monitoring Land 
Subsidence in the Euganean Geothermal Basin with Differential 
SAR Interferometry [A], In: Anon. 2nd ESA International 
Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry FRINGE’99[C].

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