In: Wagner W., Székely, В. (eds.): ISPRS ТС VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 7B
3.1 The management of land cover remote sensing sample
With the expanding of the ability of remote sensing imaging,
the size of the land cover remote sensing sample images that
can be collected is increased progressively. At the same time, to
accomplish the assistant interpretation of the land cover remote
sensing images, the remote sensing sample images in different
time and space are needed. Therefore, it is more important to
manage the data of land cover remote sensing sample images
efficiently. This system constructs strict and efficient sample
images database in the server, provides the ability of adding
record, deleting record, updating record, integrity check, auto
backup, and so on.
3.2 Land cover remote sensing sample image retrieval
To provide powerful and convenient querying functions, the
system designs and realizes many query patterns: based on the
top-level land category, based on the second-level land category,
based on the sensor, based on the season, based on the province
or region. Besides, the system supports the query pattern of
combination of the above querying conditions.
Meanwhile, the system offers two kinds of querying interface:
list style and grid style, see Figure 2 and Figure 3. The former
mainly shows the feature information of every sample image,
and the later mainly shows the sample image. Figure 4 shows
the interface of inserting record in the database.
Figure 2. list style interface
Figure 3 grid net interface
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Figure 4 Insert record in the database
3.3 Update of the database
The update of land cover remote sensing sample image database
includes modifying, adding and deleting the database records.
The database record’s modification and deletion must be
accomplished by the server, adding records can be operated
either by the server or the customer. If the customer requests to
add the sample image records, it is necessary to ensure by the
server. Putting the power of updating the database in the server
is good to run the system stably and precisely.
3.4 The features of the system
This paper implements the land cover remote sensing sample
image web retrieval system based on the Visual Studio .NET
platform. This system adopts Visual C# development language
and applies the web service, ASP.NET, ADO.NET and XML
The system can be released by the internet, supports the
extension of land cover sample image database, which can be
based on the internet nodes. It realizes the auto-connection of
local picture and the remote sensing sample image, it can
accomplish the query work according to the land category, the
sensor, the time and other factor, or the random combination of
these features. It supports many commercial remote sensing
sensors, such as SPOT5, QuickBird, IKONOS, ALOS, IRS-
P5/P6, aerial images, and supports different terrain. The system
divides the nation into 7 regions: Northeast China, North China,
East China, Middle China, South China, Northwest China,
Southwest China and 32 provinces.
With the size of the remote sensing image data is progressively
growth and the development of the interpretation technology of
the remote sensing images, the issue of the remote sensing
image retrieval is a research hotspot in the field of the remote
sensing images’ processing and application. According to the
practical situation of the second round of national land use
inventory program, this paper focuses on the problem of the
land cover remote sensing image web retrieval. It introduces
research results in the system’s design, workflow, platform,
data organization, database table, development skills, provides
an effective resolution to remote sensing images retrieval based
on web service. The system has been used to the second round
of national land use inventory program successfully. It greatly
improved the efficiency and accuracy of the remote sensing
images’ interpretation, promoted the progress of the results’
checking work.
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779005.doc (accessed 28 Sep. 2008)