Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

RS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In: Wagner W„ Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
2008) was carried out to 
ta. The group from the 
aboratory” (UNIMONTES 
:en meter plots, along both 
plots were at a distance of 
x and are always oriented 
l 10 m gap is always left 
j area was too degraded to 
ots 1-35 are located on the 
right bank. A total of 7000 
if tree height and stem 
1H) were taken for all trees 
isses were not considered, 
aken in each plot for later 
ss and leaf area index, 
rements were produced: (i) 
breast height (DBH), (iii) 
nsity, (vi) canopy openness 
were conducted in January 
/, to obtain ground control 
S was employed to acquire 
lying the Ikonos scene and 
study was provided by the 
i. It was obtained with their 
i and blue = 4m) and 
to a spatial resolution of 1 
mber 2007 during the dry 
vith no cloud cover (Figure 
a UTM grid coordinate by 
mean square error (RMSE) 
c correction was applied to 
ir steps: 1) cartographic 
ation, 3) texture feature 
onsisted in using spatial 
i to areas having a strong 
ian vegetation (Maillard et. 
onfusion between vegetation 
, such as: palm swamps and 
iphic network was digitized, 
. to build a buffer of 50 m 
l width in the study site is 
ir was used to mask parts of 
. The Ikonos image and the 
entation algorithm which is 
riparian vegetation e non- 
2.3.2 Image Segmentation 
The riparian vegetation was first visually interpreted in order to 
validate the results of the segmentation. The MAGIC program 
(Clausi et al., 2009) was chosen to segment the image due to its 
excellent results reported in several studies (Maillard et. al., 2008; 
Barbosa et al., 2009; Alencar-Silva and Maillard, 2009). MAGIC 
is an acronym that means “Map Guided Ice Classification” 
because it was originally developed as a tool for classification of 
ice sea types. The segmentation of MAGIC is unique in its 
implementation and the principles it embodies. It is an hybrid 
segmentation approaches that uses two different approaches to 
segmentation: “watershed” and Markov Random Field (MRF). 
The segmentation is started by applying a “watershed” algorithm 
that produces a preliminary segmentation and generates segments 
(areas) of 10-30 pixels depending on the noise level in the image. 
The smaller segments are then arranged topologically, so all 
contiguous segments can be determined through an adjacency 
graph or RAG (Region Adjacency Graph). The second step is 
based on the MRFs that will join or not contiguous segments if 
the union produces a decrease in the total energy of the 
neighbourhood defined by Equation 1. 
E = E f +aE r (1) 
where: E f is the global spectral energy, E r is the local spatial 
energy, a is normally a floating constant. 
The advantage of the MRF model is its inherent ability to describe 
both the spatial context location (the local spatial interaction 
between neighboring segments) and the overall distribution in 
each segment (based on parameters of distribution of spectral 
values for example). That new approach was entitled “Iterative 
Region Growing Using Semantics” or IRGS and is described in 
Yu and Clausi (2008). 
MAGIC is able to segment each band image individually or as a 
multivariate data. In this study, the spectral bands were used both 
as a multivariate dataset and individually. Three parameters have 
to be specified for the segmentations to take place: (i) the number 
of classes, (ii) pi, and (iii) P2. The number of classes varies 
depending on how the user wants to segment the image. 
For our study two categories were desired: riparian and non 
riparian. However, because there are several different elements in 
the non-riparian group (i.e. water, herbaceous, bare soil, grass, 
etc), tests were performed with 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 classes. The best 
result obtained by the MAGIC was to be used as a mask in the 
texture calculations. 
2.3.3 Image Texture Calculations 
of 1 lxl 1, 15x15, 20x20, 25x25 and 30x30 pixels were used. 
The distances between analysis pixels vary between 3 and 7 
and the four directions: 0°, 45°, 90° and 315°. 
A special program was created to compute the texture feature 
to account for the use of a mask. MACOOC (Philippe 
Maillard ©2010) takes an image and a binary mask as input to 
compute all five texture measurements in all four directions. 
Because the mask can adopt just about any shape, regular 
texture extraction programs would have to discard the texture 
computation for many riparian pixel when the analysis 
window overlaps the zeros areas of the mask. MACOOC 
compensates the “incomplete” windows by adjusting the 
number of co-occurrences in order to compute comparable 
probabilities. The probabilities values are then rescaled 
between 0 and 10000. 
Finally, the 70 plots were overlaid in the image. The average 
values of the four spectral channels (blue, green, red and 
infrared) and 20 texture bands were computed for each plot 
and organized in a matrix along with the allometric data. 
Multiple Regression using Stepwise feature selection was used 
to analyze the data. 
The results of this study are presented in two blocks: image 
segmentation and biophysical riparian forest modelling. 
3.1 Image Segmentation Results 
The best MAGIC segmentation was obtained using the image 
as a multivariate dataset with all four Ikonos’ bands (Table 5). 
Spectral Band 
Riparian % 
Non-Riparian % 
Total % 
1 (blue) 
2 (green) 
3 (red) 
4 (infrared) 
1, 2 and 3 
1, 2, 3 and 4 
Table 5: MAGIC overall segmentation success (average 
user’s and producer’s) result for riparian and non-riparian 
The best results were obtained with five classes and an overall 
accuracy of 89.68% when compared with the visual 
interpretation. This result takes into account both omission 
and commission errors (Figure 4). Results obtained with the 
green and infrared bands had very low correlation with the 
interpreted image. 
The texture of an image can be defined as changes in spatial 
patterns of gray levels in a set distance (Tso and Mather, 2001). 
An approach widely used in texture parameters calculation is the 
Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) (Lillesand and Kiefer, 
2000). This method proposes that each element of the matrix is a 
probability measure of occurrence between two gray levels 
separated by a certain distance and direction (Haralick, 1979). In 
this paper five features were considered: contrast (CON), angular 
second moment (ASM), entropy (ENT), inverse difference 
moment (IDM) and correlation (COR). The Ikono’s red and infra 
red bands were chosen in order to calculate the five texture 
features. The blue and green bands were not used because they 
have strong correlation with the red band. Analysis window sizes

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