Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS ТС VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
The present publication shows a vehicle detection approach based 
on the Viola-Jones detector (Viola and Jones, 2004) trained by 
Gentle AdaBoost (Friedman et al., 2000). Vehicle detectors based 
on Boosting had already been applied to aerial images success 
fully in literature (e.g. Nguyen et al., 2007; Grabner et al., 2008). 
In the optical system for online traffic monitoring the DLR in- 
house developed sensor called 3 K camera (e.g. Kurz et al., 2007) 
is included, which is capable of direct orthorectification / georef- 
erencing in conjunction with a IGI lid Aerocontrol RT IMU/GPS 
navigation system and several PCs for image processing. Fur 
thermore, the sensor provides a high image repetition rate of up 
to 3 Hz which offers a high overlap of sequential images and 
makes vehicle tracking possible. With a big footprint of 4 km 
across track at a typical flight level of 1500 m over ground and 
a high native resolution of 20 cm GSD (Nadir) it is well suited 
for recording road traffic data. After several years of develop 
ment our system has reached an operational state and is ready for 
application in disasters and mass events. 
The paper is structured as follows. Second section presents the 
system for airborne traffic monitoring and the data sets obtained. 
Then, the processing chain for automatic road traffic data extrac 
tion from aerial images is introduced in section 3. Section 4 deals 
with the validation of the processing chain, and the last section 
gives conclusions and presents the plans for future work. 
The real-time road traffic monitoring system consists of two parts. 
One part is installed onboard the aircraft, consisting of the 3 K 
camera system, a real-time GPS/IMU unit, one PC for each sin 
gle camera processing image data, one PC for traffic monitoring 
tasks, a downlink-antenna with a band width of 5 Mbit/s (actual, 
upgradeable to a bandwidth of about 20 Mbit/s) automatically 
tracking the ground station, and a PC for steering the antenna 
and feeding the downlink with data. The ground station mainly 
consists of a parabolic receiving antenna, which is automatically 
aligned with the antenna at the aircraft, and a PC system for vi 
sualization of the downlinked images and traffic data. Given an 
internet access at the place of the ground station, the obtained 
traffic data will be directly transferred to an internet traffic portal. 
2.1 Onboard System 
The system for traffic monitoring aboard the airplane uses aerial 
image sequences obtained with the so called 3 K camera system. 
All results shown in this publication are based on this sensor. In 
near future this optical sensor will be replaced by the successor, 
the 3 K+ camera system. Both wide area digital frame camera 
systems offer similar properties (Tab. 1). Each consists of three 
non-metric Canon EOS IDs cameras mounted on a ZEISS aerial 
platform. One look in nadir direction and two looks in oblique 
sideward direction result in an increased FOV of up to 104 degree 
or 31 degree in side resp. flight direction based on a focal length 
of 50 mm. The cameras acquire images with a frame rate of up 
to 5Hz; here the absolute number of images is limited due to an 
overflow of the internal memory. Based on the image size of up to 
21 MPix and a colour depth of 24 bits the overall output data rate 
of the three camera system lay between 6 and 10 MByte/s for jpeg 
compressed images. The data rates at the cameras depend also on 
the flight and image acquisition mode, e.g. the overlap and the 
flight height. The image acquisition geometry of the DLR 3 K 
and 3 K+ camera system are similar except the smaller GSD of 
the 3 K+ system. Typical flight heights of the camera systems are 
between 500 m and 3000 m above ground. 
3K camera system 
3K1 camera system 
3 x FOS IDs Mark I! 
3 X EOS IDs Mark III 
Image size 
4992 x3328 ( lô.TMPix) 
5616 x 3744 (21.0 MPixl 
Max. frame rate 
3 I-Iz (- 50 images ) 
5IIz (63images ) 
File size 
20MByte (RAW) 
25MBvte (RAW) 
5,5MByte (JPEG level 8) 
6,5 MByte (JPEG level 8) 
100- 1600 
50 - .3200 
1.4 22 
Canon EF 1.4 50mm 
Zeiss Makro-Planar 2/50mm 
Tilt angle of sideward cameras 
Max 32° /variable 
Max 32° / variable 
Data rates (3 cameras. JPEG): 
60% overlap, 1000m a.g.. 2s 
3xbursts (2Hz). 1000m a.g., 6s 
pause (traffic modus) 
8.3 MByte's 
6,6 MByte/s 
Firewire IEEE 1394a 
USB 2.0 
Image sensor 
full frame CMOS sensor 
full frame CMOS sensor 
Pixel size 
Footprint /GSD, 1000m a.g. 
2560m x 4S0m / 15cm nadir 
2560m x 4$0m 13cm nadir 
Footprint GSD, 3000m a.g. 
7680m x 1440m 45cm nadir 
7680m x 1440m / 39cm nadir 
FOV (side resp. in fliuht) 
Calibration (interior orientation) 
5 parameters: 
focal length, focal point, radial 
distortion Ai and A2 
Not calibrated yet. 
GPS/IMU accuracies 
IGI lid 
IGI lid 
postproc. (ip/yaw/xy/z) 
0.003 < 70.007 < 70.08m.'0.05m 
real lime (rp/yaw/xy/z) 
0.01 °/0.05=70.1 m/0,1 m 
0.01 *70.05=70.1 m/0.1 m 
Georeferencing accuracies 
Direct georeferencing 
plus bundle adjustment 
Not tested yet. 
Depending on the motif and other configuration parameters 
Table 1; Overview about 3K and 3K+ camera system. 
The high input data rate on the one hand and the processing inten 
sive modules on the other hand put high demands on the on-board 
image processing hardware, which consequently leads to a multi 
host solution with five PCs in total (Fig. 1). All of them run 
32bit-Windows XP due to the fact that some of the third-party 
software we use in our processing system only supports Win 
dows. Each camera is connected via Firewire IEEE 1394a to a 
dedicated host. It streams the images directly without memory- 
card buffering to the camera PCs (PCI - PC3). The EOS Digital 
Camera Software Development Kit (EDSDK) is installed on each 
of these hosts and provides a C language interface for the control 
of the cameras and the download of images to the host PC. Sup 
ported operating systems are Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher 
and Mac OS X since version 10.4. Since the orthorectification 
and georeferencing process needs the exact position and orienta 
tion of the airplane, the IGI lid GPS/IMU system is connected via 
Ethernet to the onboard system. The fibre-optic gyro based Iner 
tial Measurement Unit with its integrated 12-channel L1/L2 GPS 
receiver are triggered by the cameras external flash signal. Ev 
ery time a flash signal is received, the IGI lid sends coordinates 
and orientation via a TCP connection to one of the camera PCs. 
A module runs a TCP client and matches the received geo-data 
with the image received from the camera. The image is written to 
disk where it can be read by the orthorectification module. The 
geo data is sent to this module via message passing. After the or 
thorectification process (Muller et al., 2002) has completed, the 
orthorectified image is written to disk, copied to PC 4 and could 
be processed for automatic traffic data extraction or sent down to 
ground station. 
The onboard system was ready to fly in mid 2009. Unfortunately 
the assignation of the permit to fly certificate of this system on 
board the DLR aircraft Cessna 208 B was delayed. We got the 
certificate in April 2010 and we are currently carrying out series 
of test flights. During first flights, several problems have been 
exposed and fixed as well as an optimal start-up procedure for 
hardware and software of this complex system had to be found. 
Meanwhile the sensor and system components for orthorectifi 
cation and automatic traffic data extraction are running properly 
during test flights and we recorded road traffic data aboard the 
aircraft during flights successfully. Due to a hardware defect of 
the S-band downlink, we have not yet transmitted traffic data to 
the ground, but we are sure to catch up on this very soon. Al 
though the onboard traffic data processing is already working, re-

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